Welcome to the Nightmare Games Book 2
Welcome to the Nightmare Games Book 2
У Ци Лерена, к сожалению, появился черный экран, когда он играл в первую концовку BE в «Nightmare Game».
В автобусе на ремонт компьютера автобус неожиданно столкнулся с грузовиком, пострадавшие пассажиры были доставлены в больницу.
Очнувшись, Ци Лэрэнь обнаружил, что лежит в пустом инфузионном зале, а огромный госпиталь пуст… началась кошмарная игра.
PS: Книга 1 здесь: Добро пожаловать в Nightmare Games
- Описание от zhenhunxiaoshuo
Краткое название | : | NG2 |
Оригинальное название | : | 欢迎来到噩梦游戏二 |
Положение дел | : | Completed |
Автор | : | Bó Mù Bīng Lún |
Chapter Terbaru
Chapter 149 Long thoughts (below) (Fanwai) 2020-03-30 09:33:16 Chapter 148 Long thoughts (Part 1) (Pan Wai) 2020-03-30 09:33:14 Chapter 147 Promise at Dusk (Thirty) 2020-03-30 09:33:13 Chapter 146 The Promise of Dusk (29) 2020-03-30 09:33:11 Chapter 145 The Promise of Dusk (28) 2020-03-30 09:33:02
Все главы
Chapter 1 - 149
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I read this last year. And dang I cried at the end of the book. Who wouldn't cry?? The author put so much onions on the last few arcs and chaptersssss aaaaaaaaHHHHHH!!! I CANNOT. yeah. I so wanna request the 3rd book since last year from the admins huhu.. And there's a fourth book of this? Coz I read they were going to publish the books and there's gonna be a 4th and final book?
Does it really have a sad ending? Because I dont want to cry again.
Don't worry it's HE. This is a trilogy.
Su He tai lu 😭😭😭😭😭
Hey everyone, i found the link to Welcome To The Nightmare Game III. Just in case you want to read them, here <(❛ v ❛)→ https://wap.jjwxc.net/book2/4979782?more=0&whole=1
Btw, it's raw link, because i couldn't find someone who already translating it :v
Ooohh, thank you! Just came at the perfect time. I don't want be a stumbling mess finding where to read Book 3.