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Transmigrating into the Villain’s White Rabbit Master

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4.4 (26 отзывов)
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Также известно как [Как мне сломить соседа по комнате-злодея], на первый взгляд, отношения между мастером и учеником.

Одно дело перевоплотиться в книгу, но что насчет переселения в кроличьего духа, взрастившего человеческий облик?

Хотя Бай Юло был очень уважаемым и престижным Бессмертным мастером секты Юэдэ, прославленным старейшиной духа кролика, единственная его роль в книге заключалась в том, что главный герой превратил его в шарф из кроличьего меха.

Маленький кролик не хотел расставаться со своей мягкой и белой шерсткой, упаковывая свой маленький узелок, он был готов убежать в любой момент.

Однако возможность так и не представилась, и маленький кролик наткнулся на маленького злодея с искалеченными духовными корнями.

Увы, видя, что в будущем они оба будут убиты главным героем, он просто позволил ему остаться, чтобы поесть.

«Хозяин, это морковь, которую я вырастил».

Освежающий и хрустящий, очень вкусный!

«Хозяин, я сделал для тебя новую берлогу».

Сухой и удобный, удобный в использовании!


Как его милый маленький ученик может быть таким хорошим, что он обязательно спасет маленького злодея.

Но как ни пытался маленький кролик жить отшельником, маленький злодей все равно встал на Демонический путь и был изгнан из секты, терпя отвержение всего мира совершенствования.

Он тоже пошел по судьбе первоначального тела и был заключен в тюрьму.

Как только он подумал, что собирается стать шарфом из меха кролика, шумная свадебная процессия появилась у подножия горы секты.

«Просьба к Небесному Мастеру Юэдэ выйти замуж за Демонического Мастера в интересах мира для простых людей».

«Джи?!» Маленький кролик был напуган до того, что морковка во рту перестала пахнуть.

Красивый злодей медленно вышел: «Хозяин, женившись на мне, можно добиться мира для трех миров, а еще есть морковь, которую можно есть каждый день».

Маленький кролик-мастер Шоу Бай Юлуо x Демонический Мастер переродился злодей Гун Мо Шулинь.

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Краткое название:TIVWRM
Оригинальное название:穿成反派的小白兔师尊
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:White Sugar Syrup
Weekly Rank:#7871
Monthly Rank:#8098
All Time Rank:#6465
Теги:Caring Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Cultivation, Demonic Cultivation Technique, Doting Love Interests, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Manipulative Characters, Master-Disciple Relationship, Naive Protagonist, Poor Protagonist, Strong Love Interests, Transmigration, Transported to Another World, Younger Love Interests,
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33 комментариев к “Transmigrating into the Villain’s White Rabbit Master
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  1. Shounen Aye is light and there are no sex scenes, and Yaoi has a few sex scenes, and BL is the one with sex scenes and sex, and other things that I'm ashamed of saying. (Ahem, ahem, I'm a little shy and I'm a minor, so I don't see such scenes.🌞)

  2. Wow, I................... I didn't understand thing, lmao. The writing is hella confusing. I swear, it's almost like: " Oh, he went there. And there, he found what he was looking for. He used the thing and a thing spread out everywhere." See? You understands the flow, but not really what's happening. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't recommend it. I don't think anyone would be able to hold on with the translation. So... Before I review this, just wanted to remind everyone that I don't intend to hurt anyone. I'm simply expressing my opinion. So you are free to hate, like, agree, or disagree to my comment. Anyways, Plot: 8.9/10 : I like how their immortal society goes. The business, the family fights, respect, scheme, etc. They are good and kinda exciting. But if we're talking about the world plot, it has so many holes and it.... Its not my... Favorite ice cream flavor... The "original script", where did MC read it?, the "unknown reason ML suddenly fell asleep" how??, the ,"prince drifted to the beach", how??? He's so freaking strong, the "rabbit that luckily ascended" how??? 30 out of billions of unique animals, and you tell me that one of them is a rabbit. Sure, that can happen, but like, there should be awesome background or something. Also, where's the world background? What are the awesome people doing? The heaven is making a move, the world will go to chaos, and in chaos, there's opportunity. Where are the immortals in the background? What are the wise tree thinking? Are the dragons sleeping? Are the demons hibernating? Was kinda expecting a somewhat epic adventure against the heaven. And we ended up with a "loin scale.". Lmao. Still, I like the small details though, I enjoyed it. But I don't know about other readers. I'm sure they don't care about an immortal girl going on a period while flying on a boat or something. Characters: 10.5/10: ... It's odd... The MC is so... I don't know.... Good? Lovely? Whatever. All I can say is that I'm charmed. Cuz he might not be the best person there could be, he is quite... principled. The writing successfully expressed MC's "good even when bad" and I just looooove his character. As for ML... Well, I really felt his "the world hates me". Cuz, no, he suffered too damn much. It's too much suffering. Even the slightest happiness he could get was... Haaa.... No spoilers. You should read it yourself, or search it(cuz it's so hard to read). Anyways, he has been exposed to so many bad things. It's kinda surprising that he can still maintain his integrity. Or maybe it's just because of love. Theme: 9.5/10: "Romance" is the focus of the novel, not "Adventure" or "Fantasy". The "Romance" is lovely. They're just... Really so comfortable with each other. But even if the "adventure" and "Fantasy" is only for the plot, it's still lacking. I don't understand how powerful ML and MC is, and I can only assume their power levels even with their "stages". The "Comedy" is also good. I just love seeing ML turn speechless or get jealous. The "drama" is also... Good. I nearly cried at ML's suffering. Only "nearly". Okay‽ I didn't cry, okay?!!! Writing: 9-10/10: Don't know how to accurately judge it. The bad writing may have been only because of the mtl translation. Or maybe the author is just bad. But if the original writing is good, I'd give 10 because I... I just got hooked imperceptibly. The words are kinda beautiful and they make me smile. Pacing: 8/10: The... Focus is sometimes bad. Like when the kids(300 year old cultivators that are surely older than me) fought inside the fairy realm. Or to those useless 120 win streak, or those that didn't help the main world plot or help cultivate the relationship between the ML and MC. Not only that, whut the hell is that 500 year time skip‽ 500 year on a mountain without doing anything? Not even going out sometimes? Or maybe, like, "Elder, there's a clamor, we need your help!" "Or is there other ways to make the heaven more friendly to me? Like accumulating karma‽ I'm going outside to ease the burden on my lovely Mo Shu-something!" Author just went boom! Then kabam! Then ah, we got married and it's the end. It progresses so smoothly that it's so wrong. Ending: 8.5/10(.5 for the effort): You know what I felt from the ending? Sadness. RUSHED. ANTICLIMACTIC. CONFUSION. Bittersweetness. And more CONFUSION. I feel like it's too fast, and you squeezed it all on a 5 or 7 chapters or something. But I really felt ML's sadness with the ending. Huhu, really pitiful. But it also left many holes. It's like a sieve. Wait, not that bad. Maybe it's more like a homeless person's clothes. Anyways, that's all! I really liked the novel, and I'd surely comeback to read it later, like an aftertaste. But maybe not in the far future. Thanks for the ride!

  3. I feel like I haven't express the novel's goodness, so... I really like when they talked about the river god story, how the ML went into a small enlightment. I love how the ML is disgusted with himself when the MC shines so bright. I love how cute MC is. I love their first indirect kissing scene. I love the comedic undertones when the ML get jealous or went speechless. I love how the author always thanks his/her little angels. I love how the side-character didn't get much focus but still went on with their lives. And so many that I forgot .

  4. 4 chapters in. Too much info dump and whatever sect names. I can't even remember one of them, and the scene is also confusing, changing from memories to scenes without warning. The sentences are also almost nonsense. Maybe because it's MTL and all. All I can do is go with the flow and thankfully, I can still understand where this is going. I had hopes because of the synops, but I think it differed much from the novel. Synopsis said he was about to escape, yet there he is, reading... Romance, like bruh. Book's MC is about to kill all of you, yet all you do is read??? You also transmigrated, so don't you have common sense and understand that a 10 year old boy is cold from the snow and needs a warm and secure place to call home and sleep at? And you're also his master!!!! And you, d*mned villain, is this your first time seeing feet? What are you blushing for??? And you're only 10 years old and you're also reborn and he's not even doing the bare minimum!!! Like, fffffffffuuu---- haaaa..... I really can't understand how they could live like idiots.

  5. 10 chapters in, and I've come to terms with the fact that MC is... An idiot. A lucky idiot. And I hate how I am enjoying this idiotic MC. My ghad. I guess I just like how there's that relationship with one being spoiled rotten and one being overprotective. 🤦 My taste sucks

  6. This is weird. MC is such an idiot, but I can't help but praise him in my mind for being responsible for the slightest bit???? How???? Whut happened to me??? Did I get charmed or something????? I guess my standards simply lowered.

  7. 50 chapters in and author pulled me into an incomprehensible pace that I.... Actually liked. How the hell? It's actually good???? How????

  8. ... why is this novel's starting plot is the same as the above story but also first I thought they are the same but when I read the chapters it was not..

  9. Please provide us, "An athlete held up by an entertainment career"i have read this upto chapter 4 in other websites and its really,if you are available then help us☺

  10. That over a hundred chapters on original website but I grew bored; makes great food with system, athletes improve and fan, and cycle continues. Romance was almost nonexistent and plot bored me

  11. I just looked into it and I got it wrong. I was thinking of a different novel. This one looks very interesting, I am glad I wanted to help you out and find the link. You are correct, even on original website they are stuck at chapter 23 here for the story you mentioned, "An Athlete Held up by an Entertainment Career"

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