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Thirty Million Sword Immortal

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«Секта Дао Небесного Дракона — одна из восьми высших сект Цзю Яосин. Это место даже принадлежит секте Дао Небесного Дракона Даоцзы. Вы оскорбили это место. Пока это место отдает приказ, фея меча подобна облаку…”


Цинь Линье ударила Цзю Яосин по воздуху.

Сила, заключенная в силе кулака, пронизывает атмосферу, подобно плотной звезде диаметром в десятки километров, ударяющейся о землю со скоростью более 1000 километров в секунду.

Земля расплавилась, и ядро ​​звезды раскололось.

Волны, охваченные пламенем и магмой, продолжали распространяться во всех направлениях со сверхзвуковой скоростью. Горы, реки и леса на поверхности земной коры были полностью содраны, а выброшенные ударом пыль и камни полетели прямо в атмосферу, а в следующее мгновение…


Разрушительная сила проникла сквозь звезды, пронеслась по звездному небу и исчезла в бескрайних глубинах.

Планета раскололась и взорвалась!


Как фейерверк, сияющий в море звезд.

«Что ты только что сказал, где фея меча под облаком? Кажется, я плохо слышу».

Цинь Линье поднял кулак и посмотрел на Дао-цзы секты Дао Небесного Дракона.

- Описание от MTL


Краткое название:TMSI
Оригинальное название:剑仙三千万
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:Riding the wind sword
Weekly Rank:#2918
Monthly Rank:#2781
All Time Rank:#5577
Теги:Cautious Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Cosmic Wars, Determined Protagonist, Famous Protagonist, Gods, Immortals, Modern, Multiple Realms, Outer Space, Overpowered Protagonist, Skill Creation, Slow Growth at Start, Sword Wielder, System, Weak to Strong,
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19 комментариев к “Thirty Million Sword Immortal
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  1. гг опущеный лох и слабак неспособный культивировать: теги- быстрая культивация + сверхсильный гг ... кстати описание чушь, которая как обычно не имеет ничего общего с историей

  2. What low key mc. The first time he try to cultivate skill. He show off to internet? Shit. Why he want to cultivate those hard skills? There's plenty of basic skill he can learn. Don't he know foundation is the most important? He want to cultivate sword fairy, but what? He went to search for those hard sword skills. Tsk. Don't even have enough basic. Stupid waste.

  3. I understand that, but you know mc thinks about his safety, but what happen? He still search for those advanced skill that are not suitable for him. He only focus on attack and defense. But not even have any life saving skill. There's plenty of skills in library or forum. Because of that, each time he use those skill, he always injured or near death, then relied on adding attribute point to physique to recover. It's a waste of point. He said he want to cultivated immortal. But he don't even have any martial art that can absord those spiritual force. Then what he do? He only complaints. That's it. When he got resources from his friend, what he do? He think that it was a waste to use it on him. It better change it with money to buy beasts? Why don't he go to wilderness then? He waste a lot of time doing nothing except meditate for those skill he has only to get a small upgrade. He wants to get point. But, he don't even go search for it. Only when others provoked him, would he get point. He only test on 1 realm or higher than him each time he needs point, that's only his own speculation. Why don't he try to go out to kill those monster beast to try to test it? Each time he broadcast, He said martial art relies on life and death, then why don't he goes to wilderness? Why would he buy those beast that got chained when he fight with them? What the use?

  4. This guy can't read mtl novel at all. It is mentioned in ch 3, he need achievement to get attribute from his system that's why he choose Hard to learn skill. This novel is written by the same author of the unkillable swordman where the mc is well developed n the world is well defined. So don't trash it if u can't read mtl. Note: I blame mtl not ur ability to read, peace.

  5. The trash MC has no relationship with the title, and its more severe, it doesn't have the traits that MC should have

  6. Hmm is this Low Key Overpower MC like budha palm or Faceslapping young master thingy?

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