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The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

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Когда Распределяющая шляпа взревела в Нурменгарде, Чжан Ци знал, что обычная жизнь уйдет из него.

По прошествии тысячи лет сатана будет освобожден из своей темницы и выйдет обольщать народы четырех концов земли.

Он соберет Гога и Магога и призовет их собраться на битву.

Их число, как песок морской…

Чжан Ци: «Я действительно не хочу быть Темным Лордом»…

Дамблдор и Гриндевальд: «Нет, ты хочешь».

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:TPTWSH
Оригинальное название:霍格沃茨里的言灵周期表
Положение дел:Ongoing
Автор:Hilbert Angers
Weekly Rank:#8170
Monthly Rank:#9272
All Time Rank:#8136
Теги:Harry Potter, Nationalism, Racism,
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20 голоса

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17 комментариев к “The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts
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  1. The author just jumps in guns blazing with little explanation about anything which can be jarring and if other commenters are to be believed this fast and loose style becomes untenable towards the end but at the start it’s certainly readable with its own charm in immersing you straight into the story

  2. after a while it becomes garbage that combines varied folkore not well described to give birth to a shit story

  3. very confusing story. Characters not well defined (mother who at times is described with masculine adjectives and characters with a personality very different from what they should have) history with changes from the actual story line that are not explained out of nowhere appear the Chinese magical association (usual bullshit to always connect China) the family of saints killed by voldemort and more that make everything too confusing and difficult to read ... so I don't recommend it at all

  4. The Novel was a new type of story in a fanfic. Many original things and the character is strong but not OP , the system uses are not shown at least till now , it sometimes gives rewards and that's it. In the starting the story is really messy , the characters are not defined properly especially the Original characters but the story is very interesting and I was not bored while reading it

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