Бай Мо, злой ублюдок!
«Только слабаки будут заботиться о расе и происхождении, потому что им нужно видеть что-то похожее на них самих, чтобы чувствовать себя в безопасности. И им нужно использовать другую жизнь, чтобы продолжить свои мечты; Но солнцу не нужно другое солнце, а вечному не нужно другое, чтобы осуществить свои мечты».
История одинокого искателя, постоянно ищущего путь вперед.
- Описание от Novelupdates
Краткое название | : | TOS |
Оригинальное название | : | 最初的寻道者 |
Положение дел | : | Dropped |
Автор | : | Earl Orange |
Chapter Terbaru
Chapter 855 slow 2021-05-23 17:32:55 Chapter 854 Long 2021-05-23 17:32:54 Chapter 853 Bloodline 2021-05-23 17:32:52 Chapter 852 qualifications 2021-05-23 17:32:51 Chapter 851 Magic stain 2021-05-23 17:32:50
Все главы
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 750
Chapter 751 - 883
Отзывы (23)
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Why is this incomplete?? Will the author continue?? Should I read it??
Some daoist colleague was able to recommend a similar novel to me (As I'm asking for a recommendation, I'll leave one) 我的模拟长生路 It can be read in 69 (Browser translator)
Wow cuma wow MC kejam ga pilih pilih, menghancurkan negara, buat seluruh dunia memusuhinya bahkan negara nya sendiri dia jadiin budak sistem Satu satunya yang bisa buat MC kualahan cuma Gaia Bagi kalian yg bosen dimana MC yang selalu naif, menyelamatkan kecantikan, atau haus kekuasaan ini pas bgt Disini gua salut perkembangan MC bener bener cepet bahkan tanpa cheat atau system' satu satunya kelebihan dia dari orang lain ya cuma dia nyadar dan berlatih lebih dulu dari orang lain di novel lain kadang lambat bgt perkembangan MC nya, mana naif lagi padahal punya system meski ga kuat tapi harusnya system' buat dia punya kelebihan tapi ga selalu ada ajh orang yg lebih kuat Dateng tiba"
Gw baca kok gak kejam² amat ni mc? Apalagi setelah musuh kek gaia + murid dunia merah tiba² keluar buat lawan mc, tambah gak jelas ni novel. Dan ujung²nya mc ikut ke Segel??? Drop ch 356. Males banget novel kek gini, yang di mana kekuatan MC gak naik karena time skip. Hedeh padahl belum OP parah, udah di Nerf -_-"
I believe I am the worst type of reader who gets bored easily with the harem bullshit but damn 😂 how did this mf make me finish 270 chapters in 2 days. Respect 💯 to the author for not putting romance or harem in his novel. Ps this novel only for mature audience if like harem and face slapping don't even bother reading a word of this
I am literally only like 3 chapters in so this is kind of a biased opinion but the fact that he chose to hide the spirit stones properties just makes me like him as a MC. I have read so many novels where the MC just get butt fucked because he shared secrets with all his friends and he puts them in trouble. So i do appreciate the fact that he hid it and i know this will be a good read if anyone wants a novel with smart MC with logical decision making this is for you