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The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

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Несчастный случай перенес студентку колледжа Е Тин в другой мир.

Нет ничего, кроме таланта к обучению и росту.

Нет никакой системы, никакого дедушки, просто полагаться на талант, чтобы встать на путь Бога Дхармы.

Используйте волю, чтобы изменить правила, используйте мудрость, чтобы проанализировать мир, и единственный человек, который сравнивает богов с телом смертного, — это маг.

Гарри Поттер, World of Warcraft, Marvel, Xingyue, каталог волшебных запрещенных книг… Перед ним раскрылись бесчисленные планы.

Тайна волшебства пальм с красотой цветов.

Все началось в мире Гарри Поттера.

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:TGARSHP
Оригинальное название:万界法神从哈利波特开始
Положение дел:Dropped
Автор:Dragon and Dharma
Weekly Rank:#1057
Monthly Rank:#1476
All Time Rank:#327
Теги:Alternate World, Arrogant Characters, Beautiful Female Lead, Dwarfs, Elves, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Fast Learner, Genius Protagonist, Gods, Harem, Harem-seeking Protagonist, Harry Potter, Human-Nonhuman Relationship, Lolicon, Manipulative Characters, Multiple Realms, Race Change, Racism, Wizards, World Hopping,
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117 комментариев к “The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter
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  1. this one is pretty good. although there are unbearable parts here and there, but the overall story is to my liking. too bad this one seems to be on hiatus, if not dropped. if i am not mistaken, it has been years since the last chapter. i tried looking for raws, but there seems to be no update as well.

  2. "I haven't started reading the story yet, but as far as I can see, the story has moved to Faloo and is completed with 1350 chapters.

  3. 1-250 masih bisa di baca enak alurnya tapi seterusnya penuh omong kosong dan time skip🤣 MC menjadi cerita aja dan menjadi membingungkan😑😑😑

  4. Why do chinese never shut up about 'eyes' always every female has 'big bright beautiful eyes with amazing colours full in those eyes' and mc always shows a 'cold expression in the eyes' or 'his eyes full of mockery and playful' Like wtf are you f*ckers measuring 32% pupil dilation = angry eye expression etc. how am i supposed to understand what even going on at this point

  5. The MC's character is very cowardly and when he makes fun of women when the other party plays. He did not dare and gave up. Chinese names and Chinese tastes are quite acceptable. But when I saw the behavior of MC like this, the more I read, the more I was annoyed. And the story of a magic book that says each book has a different magic name and that a lot of nonsense is too racist, I don't think a literate wizard would do that kind of bullshit. The author of the novel had little respect for the original. Even if they actually modify other people's content.

  6. The Harry Potter arc was barely good. Game of throne arc was pure filler. But after that it was just nonsense. MC went world hopping and messing with people. He seems to have some deep plot, but there is no real gain after hundreds or characters. Maybe all his gains will be revealed at the end game. Or maybe not. But for now there is no significant boost to his power. And MC seems to be wasting time. This kind of writing is extremely annoying. The idea of this novel was good. I had great expectations. But it's disappointing.

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