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The Eldest Martial Sister Gave Up Treatment

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Бай Лянь, старшая боевая сестра пика Цюнмин секты Дусянь, чиста, как нефрит, и не имеет себе равных по красоте. Она известна как Святая от природы, и ее ищут тысячи людей.

Однажды она вдруг вспомнила свою предыдущую жизнь. Этот мир на самом деле был 18-летней игрой под названием «Битва богов».

Ее хозяин, Ан ЛАН, перевоплощенный Бессмертный Небесный Лорд; √

Ее вторая боевая сестра, будущая Богиня Святого Духа; √

Ее третья младшая боевая сестра, возрождение Мятежной Шуры; √

Ее четвертая младшая боевая сестра, будущая Драконья Богиня Войны; √

Ее пятая боевая сестра, будущая богиня боевых искусств; √

И она, старшая боевая сестра, была [сукой] и [белым цветком лотоса], у которой была система злодеев, и она могла стать сильнее, запугивая своих боевых сестер, и имела целых 108 концовок смерти в оригинальная игра!

┌(。 Д。) ┐

Бай Лянь потерял дар речи.

Бай Лянь отказался от борьбы.


Несколько лет спустя Бай Лянь вздохнул:

«Можете ли вы, женщины с моделями главных героев, держаться от меня подальше!»

«Я не святой от природы!»

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Краткое название:EMSGUT
Оригинальное название:大师姐弃疗了
Положение дел:Completed
Weekly Rank:#1843
Monthly Rank:#1778
All Time Rank:#1719
Теги:Comedic Undertone, Cultivation, Fantasy World, Fast Cultivation, Female Master, Female Protagonist, Game Ranking System, Lolicon, Martial Spirits, Master-Disciple Relationship, Misunderstandings, Reincarnation, Shoujo-Ai Subplot, Strong to Stronger, System Administrator, Unique Cultivation Technique, Villainess Noble Girls, Weak Protagonist,
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34 комментариев к “The Eldest Martial Sister Gave Up Treatment
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  1. 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐑-𝟏𝟖 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥: 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐫𝟏𝟖.𝐜𝐨𝐦

  2. Well this a is a long read and I finished reading all 939 chapters in here and there's some missing chapters too, I searched at other websites, this said have like 1000+ chapters but as usual mtl always don't add the complete chapters. This novel it is good, like very good, at first I don't want to give it a try with how long the chapters was but in the end I try it n read it. I enjoyed so far, mc is not weak , she is stronger than I can imagine. This one have a harem but the top cp is mc with an lan (her master). Tho I love how others woman in the story still want to get a bit of love from the mc. It is harem might be polygamy thing if the chapters are completed tho. I tried looking for then next chapters that isn't here but sadly I can't find it, basically mtl have the most chapters. And there's another story they converted this into a hetero theme not Yuri theme with different author, it sucks tbh because me being a person loves Yuri . So when they took this and make the mc as a guy, just not my taste. Not ok. Bruhh

  3. The harem kinda sucks tbh. Usually the point of a harem is to speedrun different archetypes so there's a little something for every reader. Here literally every character is an obsessed yandere. One of them basically tries to rape the mc while she's unconscious. There's also a lot of foot fetishy stuff, though I can't tell if it's meant to be ironic or if the author is really into that. At chapter ~580 mc is injured and turned into a child. Soon after this she also sleeps with one of the love interests for the first time... who is also 4 feet tall and as far as I remember, underage. So add pedophilia to that list I guess. This child arc also kinda just ruined the character. She loses the heart of glass and starts acting differently. For most of the book up until this point the character is responsible and is trying to do her best to raise her younger sisters. As soon as she wakes up as a child and is completely powerless she goes 'oh this is good too, now I dont have to do anything'. So tbh when you see Jiang Jing and you read a line where it makes most sense for the mc to die. Just exit there and pretend she died and imagine your own ending.

  4. 10/01/22 6:56am - chapter 785 I'll put it on hold, i have no internet connectivity for 4 days when I came back I suddenly lose interest well, it's funny at the beginning and middle but then 600+ chapter MC started saving people, and starting inner monologue on time of life and death, power of love, then a plot armor, and MC starts accepting feelings of others. I became bored I prefer she suddenly looks scumbag for me well it's Harem.

  5. *I prefer the kind MC but has sanity and won't be impulse to sacrifices her life for someone, so near yet unattainable MC at the beginning. Well the Title says MC refused treatment it all started when she was enlightened to refuse it.

  6. Must read it guys, my favorite heroine is her master they never failed to amused me. I'm just disappointed with other vixen but MC and her Tsundere master are top notch CP they will give you a lot of love and laugh

  7. Where should i look for translation for some of these words...What is LSP and why are there some words censured

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