
Home » The Beasts of the World [farming]

The Beasts of the World [farming]

Cover The Beasts of the World [farming]Cover The Beasts of the World [farming]
4.1 (24 отзывов)
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Жэнь Хейин должен был надеть его в мир орков, и виновник обмана не дал ему ничего, кроме юбки из шкуры животного, чтобы прикрыть свой позор, даже нижнего белья.
Рен Хейин:…
Хотя мир орков примитивен и отстал, он богат материалами и прост сердцем, и жить тяжело не так уж и грустно. Он взял орков на сбор фруктов и овощей, приручил и посадил, построил дома и сделал посуду——
Кстати, телом и разумом, посвященным имени бога-зверя|, заблокируйте толпу женихов.

До определенного дня.
Он узнал, что узнал, что его напарником был бог зверей.

Теги содержания: сквозь время и пространство, фермерский текст, изысканная еда, сладкий текст
Ключевые слова для поиска: главный герой: Рен Хейин; Юн Мин, роль второго плана: зеленый; холод, другие:
Введение в одном предложении: традиционное и простое сельское хозяйство с меньшей инфраструктурой

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:TBOW
Оригинальное название:兽世种江山[种田]
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:Moon Silence Misty Rain
Weekly Rank:#5684
Monthly Rank:#5391
All Time Rank:#6990
Теги:Ancient Times, Beast Companions, Cooking, Cute Protagonist, Fantasy World, Farming, Hidden Abilities, Transmigration, Tribal Society,
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24 голоса

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6 комментариев к “The Beasts of the World [farming]
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  1. Its ok but MC has major issue with his brain like alot of time travelers. He gives advanced knowledge and teaches for free or very little while saying they are paying to much aready. Which is ridiculous. Pottery making given away for 2 rugs! Pottery! Thats a game changer and he is giving it away for two rugs while stating he is taking advantage of em! How?! Your dumbass is on the lossing side. You would think the tribe is taking advantage [in a way they are] but its him who drives the price so far below cost price that he would go bankrupt on his first day if he were to make this a business and still owe a huge debt. This is equivalent of modern day person giving away their brand new, never seen before products away that makes your life super easy...for 10 cents. Oh and he will teach you how to make said product as well. He starts strong and independent..ready to draw a line in sand with the tribe.. Now...slowly becomes the cow for the tribe and he feels grateful about it. Its so frustrating. But this is a cn so females and ukes are overly generous with little brain between the ears but super easy to bully and manipulate. Plus the other thing that is irritating is this dude has limited food for winter but keeps cooking and feeding the 30 beggers pretending be be children of the tribe...of course for free. Their parents got a free daycare provider that watches and cooks for their crotch goblins. Like these are not ur kids, they are not your family and they are not starving. Why are you giving out your limited food away?! Dumbass x2

  2. this story confuses the hella out of me, popcorn out of rice!? Rice Krispie? wuuut?!

  3. hahaha I got nervous while reading cause I felt like the story was getting draggy, I went to check the last chapter and it said 175, (Im in chapter 50 rn) so I was like"WTF" ughhh I need a break... but then I went to see thelist of chapters again, ahahahahaha 84 chapters, why is there chapter 175!?

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