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Super Chief

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Я пришел! Я понимаю! Я побеждаю! Я хочу объединить Североамериканский континент!

Ши Сюн, младший библиотекарь-исследователь провинциального музея в Китае, попал в автомобильную аварию в Северной Америке в 1764 году во время визита в Соединенные Штаты и был привязан к 16-летнему североамериканскому индейцу. С тех пор он начал энергичную и славную жизнь.

Когда каменный медведь впервые прибыл в Северную Америку, он столкнулся с тайным нападением на племя. Тяжело раненый каменный медведь, к счастью, выжил и последовал за бегущей командой к племени Гаошу, став сыном Бога во рту жертвоприношения Кабру. Шисюн начал выходить из племени Гаошу, развивая сельское хозяйство, крупномасштабную выплавку стали, производство соли, сигареты, исследования и разработку оружия…

сильно поднялось с высокого дерева племя, а затем двинуло все племя восточных чероки, чтобы уничтожить смертельного врага Чекаса, пересекло реку Миссисипи на запад и создало сильную базу на Среднем Западе.

Во время северной экспедиции к Великим озерам я столкнулся с началом единоборства. Главный герой опирается на преимущества предвидения, чтобы объединить британцев, но на самом деле использует огромное противоречие между Соединенным Королевством и Соединенными Штатами, чтобы продолжать укреплять себя и ослаблять силы Соединенного Королевства и Соединенных Штатов.

В конце концов, каменный медведь доминировал на североамериканском континенте и стал единственным супервождем в истории Индии!

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:SC
Оригинальное название:超级大酋长
Положение дел:Completed
Weekly Rank:#6661
Monthly Rank:#6911
All Time Rank:#3830
Теги:Aristocracy, Army Building, Business Management, Capitalism, Colonial Era, Colony, Cunning Protagonist, Death of Loved Ones, Fantasy Magic, Farming, History, Industrialization, Kingdom Building, Male Protagonist, Modern Knowledge, Nobles, Racism, Schemes and Conspiracy, Talent Prophecies, Technological Gap, Wars,
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24 комментариев к “Super Chief
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  1. Damn sadly this isekai are bad written. MC lack of ambitions and priority over his tribe, he doesn't have goal at all. His born as native American, but act like outsider. It would be cool if his goal really become racist and expel every white colonists in North America. At least if he did that, the only pissed reader must be white americans 😂 saying the writer doesn't regard history whatever, fact have proven that they took land belong to native American and proclaimed as their country. So basically, if author really come from china,it should be no problem to antagonize it and prevent every white to occupied the land and make the native American become the absolute ruler in their land. First they could please their CCP govt by trashing us, second they could avoid their novel getting axed freely.

  2. To be honest if MC really did that, he could prevent hundred years of absolute humanity sin and abuse from the worlds (US massive import of slave from Africa). This is good thing right? 😂

  3. Brainwash level country: North Korean, Brainwash level region: Nazi, Brainwash level multiuniverse: chinanumbewan

  4. Racism and nationalism seem to be in 80% of all the new books this past year. I have gotten to the point of reading any book that isn't racist, just because there are so few non racist books to read. Is China gearing up for war? In tsun tzu book of war, he stresses that to start a war you need the heart of the people, is China using heavy propaganda in order to stir up racist and hateful thoughts, so they can start a war with much less political pullback?

  5. Just prepare yourself. History will not repeat, but the pattern will. Something that you sus about was happened in the last WW, lol.

  6. I just wanted to know what name author is gonna name his country... As America is a name derived from a Italian merchant while his race "Indians" Is given by some shit sailor who wasn't able to find India and named some trible people of certain lands as Red Indians .... So since he is native to the land... So it won't make sense to name it American way or Indian way .... So yeah I later read last chapter just to know the name of the country... I am sure, veteran readers won't be surprised seeing the name of the country... I don't know about the story so yeah...can someone tell me what bullshit reason author gave to name it great Chinese empire middle out of nowhere..

  7. Because if author doesn't signify Chinese superiority against Japanese and Americans then one of the 2 things will happen or even both. 1st) Chinese censorship board will block the novel with the excuse of it being inappropriate. 2nd) Qidian or whatever site where author is publishing his novel will never get to see top100 rank or even top 500. It may even be possible that they won't even sign this novel and put it on shelves.

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