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Start From Cultivation University

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Много лет спустя, столкнувшись с омоложением духовной энергии, жители Да Нэн всегда будут вспоминать дни, когда они учились в Куньлуньском университете.

В этом университете не преподают искусство, науку, технологии или бизнес, а только предлагают такие специальности, как закалка тела, алхимия и фехтование.

Утренняя гимнастика вызывает рвоту, лекции — проповедь, учительница в классе, возможно, только что закончила тысячелетнее затворничество, а тетя из столовой, разносящая еду, может быть великим демоном, обратившимся в горы и леса.


Первое правило школы: Запрещено свободно изучать меч на территории школы

Статья 2 школьных правил: Запрещается вызывать духов демонов без разрешения

Статья 3 школьных правил: пожалуйста, сообщите своему репетитору вовремя, когда вы приближаетесь к ограблению

Статья 100 школьных правил: Не спрашивай, кто директор

Вайзе: я обычный президент университета, из тех, кто учит бессмертию

Книга также известна как «Свяжите с университетом по взращиванию бессмертных, и студенты станут сильнее через совершенствование», «Обычные учат людей взращиванию бессмертных и вдруг обнаруживают, что духовная энергия возродилась», «Сила весь мир — мой ученик»

Приведенные выше три названия книг можно объединить в одно.

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:SFCU
Оригинальное название:从修仙大学开始
Положение дел:Dropped
Автор:Jiangbei phoenix tree
Weekly Rank:#3191
Monthly Rank:#3168
All Time Rank:#3154
Теги:Academy, College/University, Cultivation, Demons, Fast Cultivation, Ghosts, Loyal Subordinates, Male Protagonist, Modern, Nationalism, System, Teachers, Weak to Strong, Xuanhuan,
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45 комментариев к “Start From Cultivation University
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  1. Ahh wait, that original guy was really talking about memories in genes sigh... Well I guess what I posted still stands although it's not fully applicable...

  2. Sad that the Author had to drop this because the CCP intervened. Screw CCP for forcing the author to drop this. Also never forget what happened with Reverend Insanity..

  3. Chinese Communist Party. They pretty much rule the place. They have an organization under them that checks and reviews multiple forms of entertainment including novels like this and if anything has the slightest hint that makes China look bad, the author is forced to change it or their entire novel will be banned into the ground. It's to the point that Reverend Insanity, which is one of the most popular Chinese novels, was banned to the point that not even the most obscure and hidden sites would dare to repost the chapters. And it's all because one of the antagonists to the MC has the same physical description as a high-ranking Chinese politician (I believe that's the story, or at least it was what caused the novel to be investigated). There was another novel that is a sort of future/apocalyptic version of Earth and the MC was a member of the "Chinese Clan" which was described as a clan that doesn't have much physical strength but they are the smartest of all the races. Fast forward a couple hundred chapters and all of a sudden the "Chinese Clan" is a mysterious race that are superior to all the others in every way because they have the "Blood of Dragons" running through their veins.

  4. Assassin’s Creed might argue against that, but then again I haven’t played the game much hahaha

  5. I'll have to argue against that, as instincts arise from memories hidden within the genome code, it's a form of evolution arising from accumulation

  6. Instincts aren't memories. But the DNA just can't save memories, I can't count how many plots were f*cked by this logic. Memories are saved in the brain, a structure made of cells, and DNA is just the blueprint of the cell. If your memories are saved in DNA, that would mean, you aren't an individual. Your memories and thus your character were preset before your birth, I find that highly unlikely.

  7. That's not entirely correct, although the other guys' explanation wasn't great. It's more like this: natural selection will lead the trend of genetic inheritance for traits that affect behavior patterns that benefit survival and procreation. In other words, useful instincts can be indirectly perpetuated through genetic means. Genes won't code instincts, however genes can code physiological skews that support certain types of instincts.

  8. Thanks that was exactly what I was trying to get across. Instincts are DNA not memories that's why they can get inherited. Finally someone that understands my point.

  9. That Yuan Qingqing bitch is getting on my nerves!! too naive that girl, totally outside any kind of reality! someone needs to SLAP her awake! burning her life to refine pill for a random nobody really??? just train to be the best doctor you can be - you can't save everyone get over it and stop!!! your kind of idiotic action only brings trouble to others...

  10. Its refreshing and not so exagerated. I like the university thingy or its development but dnt like the fighting ghost,monsters and etc. Anyway still good story

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