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Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

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У Лин Момо не было ни отца, ни матери с самого раннего детства, и она живет с бабушкой, которая подобрала ее после того, как ее выбросили. Однажды к ней подошел человек, представившийся агентом, и попросил ее притвориться дочерью некой звезды и поучаствовать в записи реалити-шоу, а после завершения съемок ей дадут 20 000 юаней. р>

Глядя на свою бедную семью, Лин Момо подумала 2 секунды и согласилась.

Это реалити-шоу называется «Жить с папой». Папа берет ребенка и случайным образом рисует семейный фон, чтобы каждую неделю испытывать новую жизнь.

В ночь перед записью программы Линь Момо приснилось, что после того, как программа вышла в эфир, плохие отзывы были только у команды бывшего певца — Линь Ченга: дочь не милая; у отца нет отцовской любви; а отец и дочь вообще не общаются на протяжении всего процесса.

Аудитория отметила: «Он вообще не умеет заботиться о ребенке»; «Это действительно неловко»; «Нет ощущения присутствия», «Больше всего я ненавижу эту пару»; «Совсем некрасиво, предлагаю выйти в офлайн» и так далее…

Позже появилось больше черного материала, карьера и репутация Линь Ченга полностью рухнули, а 20 000 юаней Линь Момо также были потеряны. Ее насильно отправили в детский дом с «помощью» интернет-знаменитостей и неравнодушных людей.

Чтобы сохранить свои 20 000 юаней, Лин Момо решила хорошо работать.

Тем не менее, сочетание отца и дочери, Линь Момо и Линь Ченг, по-прежнему стало контрастной командой, и реакция аудитории заметно отличается:

Другие команды: ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа!
Команда контраста: Эй, моя дочь такая разумная.

Другие команды: здорово быть звездой.
Команда Contrast: Жизнь старых звезд так жалка.

Другие команды: это интерактивная программа для родителей и детей.
Команда «Контраст»: Это оказалось шоу на выживание?!

Другие команды: Папа, давай, воспитывай своих детей.
Контрастная команда, вытянувшая карточку [Безработные семьи]: Дочь, давай, поддержи папу!

Лин Момо: «Мне нужно много работать, чтобы зарабатывать деньги, иначе мой отец умрет с голоду».

Линь Ченг: «Мне нужно много работать, чтобы зарабатывать деньги, иначе мне придется забрать свою дочь, чтобы унаследовать имущество на десятки миллиардов».


Лин Ченг, который не появлялся в течение полугода, получил звонок от своего агента и получил контракт.

Линь Ченг: «Плата за внешний вид?»

Агент: «Нет». Плата за выступление составляет 100 000 юаней, но спонсор был приглашен на ужин за 300 000 юаней, поэтому остаток отрицательный.

Линь Ченг: «Сценарий?»

Менеджер: «Нет». У команды программы не было времени написать его.

Линь Ченг: "Жеребьевка?"

Агент: «По-прежнему нет». У противоположной команды нет права выбирать родословную.

Линь Ченг: "Есть ли ребенок?"

Менеджер: «Да».

Глядя на «фальшивого» ребенка, который был слишком похож на него, Линь Ченг испытал странное чувство.

- Описание от Novelupdates


Краткое название:SACT
Оригинальное название:在爸爸带娃节目里当对照组
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:Xian Yu Lao Ren
Weekly Rank:#2681
Monthly Rank:#3732
All Time Rank:#4912
Теги:Abandoned Children, Acting, Celebrities, Child Protagonist, Childcare, Clever Protagonist, Cute Protagonist, Determined Protagonist, Entertainment, Family Conflict, Female Protagonist, Modern Day, Mysterious Family Background, Poor Protagonist, Showbiz, Singers, Tragic Past,
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  1. Chapter 63 After the audition ended, Lin Cheng and Zhou Haihua walked out of the filming set.   Seeing Lin Cheng complete the audition, Lin Momo stepped forward to greet him.   But when she faced Zhou Haihua, who was looking at her with a smile on her face, Lin Momo was startled and subconsciously shrank behind Lin Cheng.   She always felt that the way the other person looked at her looked like a bad person who wanted to kidnap and traffic children.   "What's wrong with little Momo? Are you scared by my outfit? Don't be afraid, I'm playing a good guy." Zhou Haihua explained to Lin Momo with a loving look on his face.   Director Liu, who walked by, also nodded and echoed: "Yes, Grandpa Zhou plays an underground organization that contributes to the motherland. He is a good person."   When looking at Lin Momo, Director Liu's eyes also flashed with a hint of 'calculation'.   In fact, Director Liu and Zhou Haihua were thinking about the same thing at this time.   In the morning, as soon as Lin Cheng and Lin Momo left, Mr. Li sent Director Liu an excerpt from Lin Momo's "Where Are You?" 》The clip shot on the set, Zhou Haihua happened to be there at that time, so he asked Teacher Zhou to watch the clip together.   Both of them who watched the clip were amazed by Lin Momo's performance in the play - what surprised them was not Lin Momo's superb performance in the play, but the naturalness without any sense of violation. .   In that performance, Lin Momo's performance was so real and natural that it made people feel like she was 'Xu Duo'.   Director Liu was very surprised by this.   And Zhou Haihua liked Lin Momo's performance very much.   So, after the two of them put it together, they thought about letting Lin Momo play a part in their play.   Zhou Haihua and Director Liu spent the entire afternoon staring at Lin Momo, actually wondering which role in the play would be more suitable for Lin Momo.   Lin Cheng finally noticed the overly 'enthusiastic' looks in their eyes, looked at them and asked, "What's the matter?"   "Ahem, it's like this," Director Liu coughed slightly and explained: "We have already seen the sample of Momo's performance in Teacher Li's drama. To be honest, it is very good. We happen to have a few children in the drama. role, so..."   After a brief explanation, Director Liu took Lin Cheng and Lin Momo to the temporary office area on the set while taking advantage of the break.   "These are some roles that Teacher Zhou and I have selected that are more suitable for Momo. You can take a look." As he spoke, Director Liu handed several scripts to Lin Cheng.   The audience in the live broadcast room also saw several scripts in Lin Cheng's hands through the camera lens.   [What is the first one? Xu Yunyi’s daughter? I remember in history that Xu Yunyi’s daughter seemed to have been separated from her family when the enemy invaded, right? Later, he was picked up by a farmer. He fled and suffered a lot until he was found many years later. 】   【This is so pitiful! 】   [What is the second one? It was half blocked and couldn't see clearly. 】   [Looks like a flower child? 】   [This is so pitiful. 】   [If I read the third one correctly, it seems to be a scavenger child? 】   [Let me go, do you want it to be so miserable...]   [Chichi, why do you feel that the script the director chose for Xiao Momo is either about fleeing or scavenging. 】   [Hahaha, it’s so miserable. Momo can’t get rid of the label of ‘begging’? 】   【Do not accept! We Momo are so cute, but we don’t look like beggars. 】Another audience retorted.   As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the echoes of other viewers:   [That’s right, how can a child of a celebrity become a beggar? 】   [Although the background of this drama is the war-torn era, there should be a lot of "trendy" characters in the drama. Our little Momo is so good-looking, why not let her play the role of a warlord's daughter? 】   [If you're not a warlord's daughter, let's play the role of a 'returning businessman's child'. Who's the scavenger? ! 】   ——Who are you talking about?   Here, Lin Cheng looked at the script and had the same thoughts as the audience in the live broadcast room.   Seeing Lin Cheng holding the script and frowning slightly, Director Liu seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. He coughed dryly and explained: "Mainly because after watching the clip that Teacher Li sent before, Teacher Zhou and I both felt that Mo should be more comfortable playing a similar role like this...he has experience and is easy to get started with."   "However, there are still many roles for young actors that have not been decided yet, and there are also a few suitable for Momo. You can take a look." After that, Director Liu took out a few more scripts from the bag behind him. They are: a child passing small notes outside a teahouse, a homeless child whose family was killed, a homeless child rescued in a church, the daughter of a photo studio owner...   Seeing that Lin Cheng's brows were still furrowed, Director Liu smiled guiltily and said, "The main reason is that the other characters are not very recognizable..."   There are indeed characters similar to chaebol children in their drama, but Lin Momo is in "Where Are You?" "The performance in the play left a deep impression on Director Liu and Zhou Haihua, and both of them subconsciously hoped that Lin Momo could bring that feeling to the play "Retrograde".   "You can choose these roles slowly and don't have to make a decision in a hurry." Director Liu said with another smile.   Lin Cheng nodded and took the script, but did not make a decision immediately.   Different from the work of adults, Lin Cheng was obviously much more cautious about Lin Momo's script. He had to consider many aspects, such as: whether the filming was dangerous, whether the story that happened to the character would have a bad impact on the children, and whether the filming would have a negative impact on the children. Time and so on.   ——   Because the audition in the morning went well, in the evening, the filming of the scene between Lin Cheng and Zhou Haihua officially started.   With the previous experience, Lin Cheng's performance this time was obviously more mature than before. In addition, Zhou Haihua guided Lin Cheng intentionally or unintentionally in the play, so the filming of this scene went very smoothly.   In the remaining time, Lin Cheng still needs to film two more personal scenes.   The first personal scene was shot at night. It was the part where 'Lin Annan' took a cruise ship overnight to come to the motherland.   ——I was invited and inspired by my friends to return to my motherland. When I looked at the war-torn motherland and the displaced compatriots from across the bank, this businessman’s eyes showed uncontrollable anger and passion for the first time. color.   Such an emotional change is not easy to act, not to mention that Lin Cheng is not a professional actor and has not experienced professional training.   Therefore, when filming this section, Director Liu spent a long time talking to Lin Cheng about the scene, and also invited several veteran actors who were still on the crew as foreign aid. After several auditions, Lin Cheng finally completed this section. Shoot.   Although Lin Cheng's performance in this section is not amazing, it is still remarkable.   It was almost two o'clock in the evening when the crew finished work.   Lin Cheng returned from the outside shooting location to the rest area next to the set. At this time, Lin Momo did not listen to Lin Cheng's words and go back to their temporary room to sleep after eating. She stayed in the rest area, huddled up on a chair, and was covered by the crew who came to find her. small blanket.   "Sorry to trouble you." Lin Cheng walked over and thanked the staff.   Hearing this, the staff member quickly waved his hand and said, "No trouble, she is very good."   Lin Momo didn't run around in the set like some other children. Lin Cheng asked her to be good, so she just sat quietly on the chair in the rest area, holding a notebook and pen and mumbling to herself to settle accounts.   that is……   "I originally wanted to take her to bed, but she just refused to leave. She must wait until you finish filming," the staff member said.   "Also," as she said that, the staff handed another lunch box to Lin Cheng: "This is what she said she would leave for you."   This was the working meal for the crew in the evening. Because she thought the barbecued pork buns were delicious, Lin Momo specially left them for Lin Cheng.   Because the shooting time in the evening was very tight, Lin Cheng and the others did not stay on the set for dinner.   Lin Cheng nodded, took the lunch box from the staff with one hand, and leaned over to hug Lin Momo with one hand.   Suddenly being picked up, Lin Momo woke up for a moment, but in her sleepy eyes, she seemed to recognize Lin Cheng. Lin Momo yawned again, rubbed against Lin Cheng, and continued to sleep.   This time, Lin Momo slept peacefully.   The staff on the side couldn't help but smile when they saw this.   "Generally, children are more attached to their mothers, but not many are so attached to their fathers. It seems like you take care of her more, right?" the staff member said casually.   Hearing this, Lin Cheng was indeed slightly startled.   ——Lin Momo doesn’t have a mother, and her behavior is actually more of a lack of security.   Lin Cheng did not explain, but just answered: "She takes care of herself more often."   As soon as Lin Cheng said these words, the audience who still stayed in the live broadcast room jumped out:   [Lin Cheng’s words made me feel inexplicably sad. 】   [Celebrities are so busy, they probably have little time to take care of their families. 】   [But wasn’t Lin Cheng very confused before? 】   [You have to make money to support your family, right? And don’t think that only popular celebrities are busy. I heard that these outdated celebrities actually have a hard time working. 】Just because I earn less money, I have to take jobs of all sizes.   [No wonder Momo feels so independent...]   …   Here, back in the room temporarily arranged by the crew, Lin Cheng put Lin Momo down and opened the lunch box she left for him.   Inside were two buns, one of which was missing a corner.   It could be seen that after Lin Momo took a small bite of the bun, she tore off a small part with her hands for fear of being disliked.   As for the other complete bun, probably the crew saw how she was picking at it and couldn't bear to give it to her again.   After leaving it for a few hours, the two buns were already cold. However, Lin Cheng ate both buns without hesitation.   ——   The next day, the crew continued filming.   Lin Cheng had a personal scene that was scheduled to be filmed in the morning, which was also the last scene of "Lin Annan" in the entire play. Director Liu mentioned that he should film it today.   ——In the more than ten years since he returned to his motherland, 'Lin Annan' has donated supplies to war zones, purchased anti-inflammatory and hemostatic medicines from everywhere, borrowed money from international banks in his own name, raised funds from chambers of commerce, and used his own cargo ship to collect supplies for the army. …   Today's 'Lin Annan' has gray hair on her temples. She took off her old suit and put on a straight and calm Chinese tunic suit.   At this time, he was signing a donation letter in his study: dedicating all the Lin family's overseas production technology to the country, donating the Lin family's domestic factories, materials and houses to the country, and returning the national treasures he had collected to the country. .   Although the entire filming process was censored and the audience in the live broadcast room could not see Lin Cheng's specific performance process, when they saw Lin Cheng's appearance in front of the camera wearing a Chinese tunic suit, the barrage area instantly became lively.   【Wow! Completely different from before! 】   [Although he has been aged by makeup, Lin Cheng looks really handsome like this, old-fashioned and handsome, and he has so much temperament. 】   【Being handsome again. 】   [I feel that Lin Cheng is very suitable for this role. 】   [And Lin Cheng’s appearance is very suitable for being an actor. 】   [Haha, that makes sense, so why did Lin Cheng insist on being a singer for so many years? He should have changed his career to an actor! 】   [That is, becoming an actor may have already become popular. 】   Just when everyone was talking about Lin Cheng being [an actor delayed by singing], different voices also jumped out:   [No, no, no, you didn’t listen to Lin Cheng’s songs, they are so nice! 】   [Although I don’t know why Lin Cheng has been so popular these years, I listened to his songs on a small platform and they are really good! 】   …   While the audience was still discussing, Lin Cheng had already changed out of his filming clothes and back into his own clothes.   This is the last day of recording for this episode of "Living with Dad".   At this time, the director team was already waiting outside the crew.   Seeing Lin Cheng walking out with Lin Momo in hand, the director greeted the two of them warmly.   "We haven't seen each other for another week. How are dad and the baby doing this week?" the director asked with a smile on his face.   "Very good." Lin Momo nodded.   "So, have daddy and baby completed their mission this week?"   "It's done." Lin Momo nodded again, took the initiative to step forward, handed the money to the director team, and also attached the account book she kept.   This week, excluding their food expenses, including cash, mobile phones, and the 10% they received after the "Retrograde" crew signed a contract and completed a filming period, which is 4,000 yuan in after-tax remuneration, Lin Momo and Lin Cheng A total of 6,108 yuan was saved in one week.   After receiving the lump sum of more than 6,000 yuan handed over by Lin Momo, a look of surprise flashed across the director's face.   Even though she had watched the entire live broadcast this week, she still felt a little incredible at this moment.   ——Originally, it was not easy for Lin Cheng and Lin Momo to get the [Family Background]. Their income as extras was very unstable, and many times they could not eat the working meals provided by the crew and had to spend their own money to eat.   The 1,745 yuan set by the crew at the beginning was actually quite difficult, but neither she nor the chief director expected that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo would be able to play the main roles in just one week.   For a moment, the director didn't know whether he was lucky or really unlucky.   "Congratulations to dad and baby for completing the mission," the director said.   After a pause, the director asked Lin Momo: "Baby, do you think working in the studio this week is interesting?"   "Very interesting." Lin Momo nodded and replied.   The director asked again: "Compared to working in the film and television city or the previous life, which one do you think is more interesting?"   "Open a small restaurant!" Lin Momo replied without thinking, and then added: "I like to open a small restaurant."   Lin Momo's answer made the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter:   [Hahaha, I saw the seriousness in Momo’s eyes. 】   [Momo: I really like to open a small restaurant (super serious). 】   [Laughing, maybe in Momo’s eyes, being a restaurant owner has a better future than being a movie star. 】   [It's over, it's over, I suddenly felt that the roles the director chose for Momo before... have a keen eye for gold. 】   …   The director here couldn't help but smile.   "But there seems to be no option like opening a small restaurant in next week's [Family Background]," the director glanced at the card in his hand and said, smiled at Lin Momo, and added: "But there are many and very interesting options. , which one will be drawn depends on the luck of the father and the baby."   After the director finished speaking, a staff member came over holding a box that Lin Momo was familiar with.   "Now, daddy and baby, let's draw lots."   Lin Momo raised her head and glanced at Lin Cheng. When she saw Lin Cheng nodded and said "Go," she took a deep breath vividly and walked towards the box.   The moment Lin Momo pulled out the [Family Background] card from the box, not only the audience and the director team in the live broadcast room were excited, but even Lin Cheng was rarely nervous.   An orange card was pulled out by Lin Momo.   Open it, and there is family background information written on it.   [Dad’s Occupation]: Owner/Operator of Happy Bowl Farm.   [Home address]: Group 5 Happy Bowl Farm concentrated accommodation area in Dafeng Village, suburb of Z city. (The farm covers an area of ​​570,000 square meters, including hotel accommodation area, breeding area, farmland planting area, orchard area, and animal interactive entertainment area. It is a collection of tourism, leisure and entertainment, children's activities, planting and breeding, and sales of fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry As an integrated modern farm.)   [Annual household income]: approximately ±6 million yuan.   [Transportation]: Farm work vehicles, privately owned SUVs owned by farm operators.   [Financial Status]: The minimum hard expenditure of the farm is 12 million yuan per year (including employee wages, water, electricity, gas and other expenses generated by farm operation, material procurement reserve expenses, necessary investment in the operation of farms, farmland, orchards, and other expenses).   [Liquidity]: Currently available funds are 1.5 million.   Different from the background cards that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo drew several times before, this time the card did not stipulate the money-making tasks that the two of them needed to complete in this period.   At this time, the director explained from the side: "This time, the owner of the farm promised to provide the farm with full rights to the program team. Since the farm involves a large amount of funds, the task of dad and baby this week is to keep the farm operating normally. "   Seeing this [Family Background], the barrage in the live broadcast room was immediately filled with [Spreading Flowers] [666]:   [Emma, ​​finally got a good shot. 】   [Oh my god, so Lin Cheng and Momo have been directly upgraded to farmers this time? 】   [The program team is so heroic! 】   [The program team finally became human for once! 】   [Haha, it should be said that daddy and baby finally have sex! 】   [Momo: Happiness comes too suddenly. 】   [I think looking at Momo's expression, she didn't realize that she suddenly became a 'rich second generation'. 】   …   [So, among the five groups of families, Lin Cheng’s group got the best one this time? 】   [I just went to other live broadcast rooms for a walk, and it seems like this. 】   Since Lin Cheng's filming time on the crew was slightly extended, Lin Cheng and his family were the last group of families to be drawn. At this time, several other groups of families had already completed the drawing of lots.   Bai Yulin got a job as a violinist in the symphony orchestra, actor Gao Yuankai got a job as a food channel editor, substitute father Duan Bei got a job as a teaching assistant at a children's interest organization, and Zheng Chengye got a job as a financial analyst.   Compared with other groups, Lin Momo's family's family conditions this time do seem to be the worst.   [It’s not easy to get a job four times without talent...] Everyone sighed with emotion.   But there are also different voices:   [Am I the only one who noticed that there is a plus or minus sign in front of the income of 6 million? 】   [I also found out, does it mean that the farm may make money or lose money? 】   [It’s impossible for Lin Cheng to lose money on the farm in just one week, right? 】   【Hard to say……】   [I am more concerned about Lin Cheng as a singer. Are you sure he can handle the farm business? 】   This question popped up, and the barrage area instantly became much quieter...   ——   "Have Momo been to the farm?" the director asked with a smile.   Lin Momo shook her head subconsciously, thought about it, and then asked seriously: "Are you going to farm?"   "Not entirely." Such a farm is more about management.   After a pause, the director added: "But there are many fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants and small animals on the farm. I believe the baby will have a very happy life."   It's hard to say whether Dad is happy or not.   The director muttered secretly in his heart.   After the director finished speaking, this episode of the program officially ended.   Before leaving, Lin Cheng took Lin Momo to "Where Are You?" " and the crew of "Retrograde" said goodbye to the crew before boarding the vehicle arranged by the crew and arriving at the airport.   ——   At this time, at the other end of the airport, Mr. Lin had just gotten off the plane.   Because Mr. Lin had undergone heart surgery in the past, coupled with his old age and infrequent travel in recent years, he did not dare to let him take off easily even if he had a private plane.   So Mr. Lin went through a complete set of physical examinations and struggled for a long time, until the doctor nodded and finally got on the plane smoothly.   An hour ago, the old man's plane arrived at the airport closest to the film and television city, and he underwent a series of post-landing physical examinations.   After finally being 'released' from the airport rest room, Mr. Lin could not wait to go to the film and television city to find his precious great-grandson.   As a result, the old man was grabbed by Zhou Ming before he took two steps.   "Sir, please slow down. Young Master and the others seem to have...seemed to have arrived at the airport here and are ready to go back."   "Are you ready to go back?" Mr. Lin was stunned and took out his phone. Only then did he realize that this live broadcast had ended.   "Why didn't you tell me earlier? It's not you who want me to do a physical examination..." Mr. Lin frowned and muttered dissatisfiedly, then asked: "Then where are they now?"   "I contacted the program team. The flight I booked was one hour away from the departure time. If they didn't board the plane, it should be in the ordinary domestic departure area." Zhou Ming said.   "Then hurry up and leave." It's just a glance.   The group of people took the airport scooter and rushed towards the domestic departure area.   "By the way, what [family background] did Momo draw in this issue?" Mr. Lin asked in the car: He missed the live broadcast, and he still doesn't know what his precious great-grandson's life will be like next week.   "Happy Bowl Farm Operator." Zhou Ming replied.   Hearing this 'family background', Mr. Lin frowned slightly.   Zhou Ming on the side also had a hesitant expression on his face. After hesitating for a few seconds, Zhou Ming said: "This farm this time..."   Before Zhou Ming could finish his words, he was interrupted by the old man waving his hand: "It's okay, just leave it to him. If it doesn't work, he can just go back to the entertainment industry and continue to be a has-been star."   While talking, the scooter had already arrived outside the domestic departure hall.   Seeing the crowd of people outside the gate, Mr. Lin was a little dumbfounded.   "What's going on?" Mr. Lin asked.   "It seems that they are fans of the young master."   Because of the broadcast of "Living with Dad" and the previous turmoil caused by Le Bai and Sun Yimeng on the Internet, the popularity of Lin Cheng and the program has increased a lot. Lin Cheng and Lin Momo now also have many wild fans.   Knowing that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo were going back from this airport, many fans living in this city spontaneously came to the airport to watch.   "That's pretty much it..." Mr. Lin muttered with a flat mouth. Although he didn't show it on his face, Mr. Lin was still somewhat satisfied with the fact that Lin Cheng finally had some fans after so many years of confusion.   At this moment, through the heads of a large group of fans, Mr. Lin finally saw two familiar figures who had entered the airport lobby.   "Stop, stop, let me down!"   Mr. Lin directed the scooter to stop. Before Zhou Ming could help him, he got out of the scooter and walked quickly toward the crowd with a cane.   There were many fans who came to see the idol, and there were also some onlookers. At this time, Mr. Lin had already blocked a lot of people in front of him.   Seeing Lin Cheng and Lin Momo who were about to go in a safe direction, Mr. Lin became anxious. Before Zhou Ming could catch up, he had already pushed aside the crowd and squeezed in.   "Give, give, give."   The old man was pushing forward when he was supported by several young girls.   Several girls are civilized volunteers at the airport. They like Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's family because they watched "Living with Dad". When they heard that they were coming to board the plane, they couldn't help coming together to watch.   "Uncle, do you want to board the plane? You went to the wrong door. This door is far away. Don't go through this door. Besides, there are fans and onlookers here now. There are so many people that you may not be able to squeeze in. Be careful. We are squeezing each other, let me help you go to that door over there." The young girl said as she helped Mr. Lin walk out...   "No, I won't board the plane, I..."   "What did you say?" There was a bit of noise around, and the girls couldn't hear what Mr. Lin said clearly, so they could only help him and continue walking to a place with less crowds.   So, in order to see his great-grandson, Mr. Lin, who had finally squeezed in halfway, was helped out by this kind-hearted fan...   ——   Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, who had already boarded the plane, had no idea about the episode that happened here.   After returning to City C by plane, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo did not go home immediately. Instead, they got into the program crew's car and drove in another direction.   "Dad, aren't we going home?" Seeing that this direction was not the way home, Lin Momo looked at Lin Cheng doubtfully and asked.   "Let's go to the recording studio first." Lin Cheng replied.

  2. Chapter 60  In some ways, children seem to have better self-healing abilities than adults.   Originally, Lin Cheng was a little worried that knowing the truth of 'Xu Duo's' story would bring long-term psychological shadow to Lin Momo.   But he found that after returning to the place where the two lived and sleeping, Lin Momo's mood seemed to have recovered.   Early in the morning, as soon as the father and daughter got up, Lin Momo jumped in front of Lin Cheng like a shot of blood.   "Dad! We are going to shoot a new movie today, right?" Lin Momo looked at Lin Cheng with bright eyes and asked.   Seeing Lin Momo's excited look, Lin Cheng smiled secretly and said: "No, I have to go to the crew for an interview first."   The drama "Retrograde" is an officially funded drama, and its meaning is different from other popular film and television works. Even if he gets a recommendation, Lin Cheng must pass the interview with the crew before he can get the chance to star.   "You can definitely face it." Lin Momo nodded and said almost without thinking.   Hearing Lin Momo's words, Lin Cheng was a little helpless and a little funny.   Just when Lin Cheng wanted to remind Lin Momo not to be 'blindly confident', he saw that Lin Momo had already impatiently started packing her things for going out.   Thinking about having to go for an interview soon, and then thinking about her previous experience of being treated as a beggar, this time, in order not to embarrass Lin Cheng, and to give the interviewer of the crew a good impression, Lin Momo specially dug out the Put on your best clothes and comb your hair meticulously.   After getting herself refreshed, Lin Momo pulled Lin Cheng and prepared to set off.   The father and daughter came downstairs and happened to meet Shu Mai and Chen Manman who were also dressed up at the door of the accommodation building and were about to go out.   Finding that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo were walking in the same direction as them today, Shu Mai and Chen Manman were a little surprised, so they asked the father and daughter: "Aren't you going to film today?"   Most of the filming locations in the film and television city are located near the central, north and east districts. If Lin Cheng and Lin Momo want to go to the crew to act as an extra for filming, they should go to the left.   Hearing this, Lin Momo shook her head and said to the two of them: "We are not filming today. My father and I are going to the crew for an interview."   As Lin Momo spoke, she handed the note Li Jianhong wrote to them yesterday to Shu Mai and Chen Manman to read.   "Building 2, Wangjin Street, South District?" Shu Mai and Chen Manman were a little surprised when they saw the address written on the note.   "What's wrong?"   "What a coincidence, we are also going to have an interview at Building 2, Wangjin Street, South District." Shu Mai said with a smile on his face.   "A place?" Lin Momo's eyes brightened, and she asked, "Are you also going to interview with the crew of "Retrograde"?"   Hearing Lin Momo's words, Shu Mai and Chen Manman looked at each other and saw the surprised look in each other's eyes. Apparently they couldn't believe that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo were actually going to interview for "Retrograde".   The cast of "Retrograde" is notoriously difficult to interview.   Almost all of the actors that the crew has selected are capable actors. Although the actors they are recruiting are not major roles, the crew's requirements have not been lowered at all - those whose acting skills are not up to standard, who are not natural enough, and who are deviated from the characters, no matter they are No matter what the relationship is, brush it all off.   For most of the week, there were many people who went to "Retrograde" for interviews, but 99% of them were rejected.   After watching the background of "Retrograde", Shu Mai and Chen Manman were originally interested, but after hearing about the interview situation, they gave up immediately.   "We are not going to the crew of "Retrograde"," Chen Manman waved her hand and said to Lin Cheng and Lin Momo: "There is a fairy tale drama "Moon Hidden on the West River" that is also recruiting actors there, and we plan to give it a try."   Previously, the crew of "The Moon Glooms over Xijiang Night" had a dispute over the title of the male lead and the second male lead, which affected other actors, resulting in many actors being expelled from the crew. Later, because it was changed to a two-male drama, the actor who originally played the female lead in the drama was dissatisfied that her role as the female protagonist was deleted, so she quit the filming due to the breach of contract by the crew.   In the past two days, the crew of "Moon Hidden Xijiang Night" is recruiting actors. In addition to the main roles, it also includes the role of the heroine.   After receiving the news about the recruitment of the crew, many people rushed to interview, just to try their luck. Even if they could not get the leading role, they might be able to get a main supporting role. Shu Mai and Chen Manman were one of them.   …   The four of them came to Building 2 in the South District together.   As soon as I walked to the building, I saw a promotional poster for "The Moon Hidden on the West River at Night" posted at the gate of the building, as well as a banner that read "Open Recruitment for Actors."   The interview and recruitment of the crew were held in the conference hall on the first floor of the building. At this time, the square in front of the conference hall was already lined up with actors who came for the interview. The scene was very spectacular.   Seeing Shu Mai and Chen Manman go over to submit their application forms and queue up to get their numbers, Lin Momo pulled Lin Cheng's sleeve and asked, "Dad, are we interviewing here too?"   "No, my interview location is in Room 1703-1708, Building A, Building 2," Lin Cheng said, looking around the scene, and finally pointed to a small elevator passage on the side of the building, and said, "From there Go in."   After saying that, seeing Lin Momo pouting and looking sad, Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"   At this time, Lin Momo finally pointed to the narrow elevator room passage, then pointed to the interview site of the "Moon Hidden Xijiang Night" crew, and asked Lin Cheng: "Is the crew we went to not as rich as this? "   As soon as Lin Momo said these words, not only Lin Cheng laughed, but also the audience in the live broadcast room laughed:   [Haha, I also thought that Xiao Momo suddenly frowned because she was worried about something. It turned out to be this...]   [Don’t worry, Momo, even the poorest crew can afford your 2,000 yuan salary. 】Some viewers joked.   The fact that Lin Momo and Lin Cheng only had to pay 2,000 yuan to film their last drama, and they also bought one and got two free has become a hot topic in the live broadcast room.   [To be honest, the two crews should be almost the same, both have big IPs. 】   [No, the crew of "Retrograde" is just low-key. In terms of its nature, I personally think "Retrograde" is even better than "Moon Hidden on the West River". 】   【I feel so too. 】   [The drama "Moon Hidden at Xijiang Night" is just spectacular to watch. 】   [I don’t understand. It’s just a casting call. Why is there such a big battle? It’s almost turning into a press conference and a large-scale variety show. 】   [Of course it’s hype! I have to say that the hype for "Moon Hidden at Xijiang Night" is really great. 】   From the beginning when the male and female fans were at odds with each other, to the heroine's withdrawal from the crew, every incident made the crew a hot topic.   Nowadays, the re-casting of a film crew has also allowed the production team to come up with new tricks - early stage casting promotions on the entire Internet, open casting, amateurs can also participate in the casting, and the two male protagonists will airborne at the casting site from time to time. Choose their best heroine and so on...   As soon as these news came out, topics related to "The Moon Hidden on the Xijiang Night" directly occupied 5 hot searches.   [Good guy, this crew is too hyped, right? 】   [It’s popular before it’s aired...]   [Wrong, it should be said that it became popular before it was filmed. 】   【Niubi. 】   [I heard that it is a drama invested by Xingshi Entertainment. Hasn’t Xingshi Entertainment always been good at promoting and teasing it? 】   …   While the audience in the live broadcast room was having a great time eating melon, Lin Cheng had already led Lin Momo to the passage beside the building. From here, you could go to the elevator of Tower A of the building.   At this moment, a scream suddenly came from not far away: "Ah ah ah! Look! Le Bai! Le Bai is over there!"   There were many fans of Le Bai at the scene, and someone spotted the vision king in the passageway next to the building, which is also the entrance to the temporary casting backstage of the "Moon Hidden on the West River" crew.   As the screams rang out, other fans around them also noticed this and poured into the passage from the front hall of the building.   ——   Seeing the dozens of crazy fans who suddenly poured into the passage, Lin Momo, who was unfortunately also in the passage, was a little confused for a moment.   Lin Momo was stunned. Before she could hide behind Lin Cheng, the fans quickly ran into the passage.   Lin Momo was almost pushed to the ground by the crowd. Fortunately, Lin Cheng next to her grabbed Lin Momo and protected her behind him.   In the same passage, Le Bai, who had just come out from behind the security door, seemed to have noticed the movement here. After winking at the assistant on the side, he shouted to everyone at the scene: "Don't crowd, everyone. You are not here." Did you see you hit the kid?!”   "I will go to the scene in a moment to cooperate with the crew in casting. You can go to the front and wait for me. The passage here is where the crew and building staff go together. If you do this, it will affect other people's work, and it is not safe for so many people to be crowded here. , not to mention there are children at the scene.”   After hearing Le Bai's words, the enthusiastic fans at the scene finally became quieter.   The staff brought by Le Bai and a few spontaneous fans began to maintain order in the passage and evacuated other fans one by one.   Le Bai walked towards Lin Momo's direction with a concerned look on his face.   "Kid, are you okay? Did you get hit somewhere?" Le Bai walked up to Lin Momo and asked with concern.   Lin Momo, who finally breathed a sigh of relief when the passage became emptier, was startled when she saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of her, and subconsciously shrank behind Lin Cheng.   The moment Le Bai in front of him saw Lin Cheng, his expression paused, his pupils shrank sharply, and the words he had not finished speaking stopped at his lips.   ——   In the live broadcast room, many viewers who liked Lebai became excited when they saw Lebai appear on the screen.   [I rely on Lebai? It's Le Bai! 】   [This live broadcast is so happy. 】   [Watching a live broadcast of a parent-child variety show, I actually saw big stars. Is this an extra bonus? 】   【Make money, make money. 】   [Unfortunately, the recording was too far away and I couldn’t hear them talking. 】   …   At the same time, in front of the company computer, Chen Yu and Wang Xi, who had been paying attention to the situation in the live broadcast room, were also a little surprised.   "Le Bai?! He is an artist under Mr. Sun, right? So Brother Cheng and he should have been in the same school before?" Wang Xi said.   Chen Yu on the side nodded, but his expression was not good.   "We can only be regarded as half of the same sect." Chen Yu said in a deep voice.   Seeing Chen Yu staring at the live broadcast screen with an expression that looked like he had a deep grudge against Le Bai, Wang Xi asked in confusion: "How do you say that?"   "I haven't joined the company before, and I heard from some seniors who left the company before. At first, Brother Sun took Lin Cheng. Later, Lin Cheng became popular and had more resources, so Brother Sun brought Le Bai. At that time, Le Bai A newbie doesn’t even have resources, so he has to share resources from Lin Cheng..."   "Before, this Le Bai liked to rely on the Internet to get Lin Cheng's popularity. Later, something happened to Lin Cheng and he was blackmailed by the entire Internet. Le Bai took away all Lin Cheng's resources the next day."   Hearing Chen Yu's words, Wang Xi's eyes widened: "Oh my god! Really? Le Bai has always been a diligent and low-key persona on the Internet, but he can actually do something like that?"   "You said it, it's just a personality." Chen Yu glanced at Wang Xi, paused, and said with an unhappy face: "I even doubted whether Lin Cheng was framed and the entire network was blackmailed by Le Bai behind it. Something happened."   "Damn it, if it were true, it would be too scary." Wang Xi sighed.   Zhou Qi, who had been silent until now, muttered in a low voice: "It's not necessarily Le Bai who did it." He always felt that a newcomer shouldn't have that much ability.   …   on site.   After knowing that all the fans in the passage had left, Le Bai nodded towards Lin Cheng and said "what a coincidence" as a greeting.   "Come here to work?" Le Bai casually said.   Seeing that Lin Cheng remained silent, Le Bai added: "I still have work to do, let's talk next time."   After that, Le Bai prepared to take his assistant and leave.   At this moment, Lin Cheng shouted to the other party: "Wait a minute."   Le Bai concealed the impatience in his eyes, turned back to look at Lin Cheng, and asked, "Is there anything else?"   "The photos and videos have been deleted." Lin Cheng said calmly.   Hearing this, Le Bai was stunned, laughed twice and asked, "What kind of photo are you talking about?"   "The video and photos taken by your assistant just now." Lin Cheng looked sternly at an assistant next to Le Bai.   Meeting Lin Cheng's gaze, the assistant looked a little nervous. He subconsciously put the phone behind him and said, "I, I didn't take any photos."   In fact, she did, not only took photos but also videos.   The video captured happened to be the scene where Lin Momo was almost hit by a fan. Lebai persuaded the fans to pay attention to safety and came forward to care about Lin Momo's condition.   They planned to edit this section and post it online later, so of course they couldn't just delete it.   Several assistants are still insisting.   Lin Cheng didn't speak, just looked at the other party coldly.   The atmosphere suddenly became a little scary.   At this moment, Le Bai coughed dryly, opened his mouth, and said to the assistant who was filming: "If you took something just now, delete it."   Hearing this, the assistant looked at Le Bai in disbelief and subconsciously retorted: "But this, we..."   Before the other party could finish what he said, Le Bai said again: "Delete it quickly."   The assistant had no choice but to delete the video and several photos on his phone in front of Lin Cheng, and clear the trash cache. However, he was still very confused in his heart as to why their boss would make concessions to the person in front of him.   ——Although they are from the same company, most of these assistants do not know Lin Cheng.   In their eyes, their boss is a big star, but the man in front of them is just a father with a child, and the pass on his body is still 'Category D'. They don't understand why, but they always feel that their boss is a little afraid of the man in front of them, even A little timid.   Le Bai chose to ignore the puzzled looks cast by several assistants on the side.   He really didn't want to provoke Lin Cheng - not only because of what happened back then, but also because of Lin Cheng's true identity.   "Nothing, then I'll go and get busy." After Le Bai finished speaking, he planned to leave.   And Lin Cheng also planned to leave with Lin Momo.   At this moment, Sun Yanzhou arrived, followed by Sun Yimeng, the newcomer he had been promoting recently and the male lead in "Moon Hidden Xijiang Night".   "Brother Le." When Sun Yimeng saw Le Bai, he lowered his head and greeted him humbly.   Le Bai's eyes flashed with coldness and he nodded vaguely.   Le Bai didn't want to be in the same frame as this newcomer, but since his agent was here, he couldn't leave immediately.   Sun Yanzhou's eyes fell on Lin Cheng, looked at Lin Cheng, then looked at Lin Momo behind him, and said with a smile: "We haven't seen each other in a few years, the child is already so old."   Lin Momo shuddered instinctively when she met Sun Yanzhou's gaze - although the person in front of her smiled as if he had a kind face, Lin Momo felt inexplicably scared when facing him.   In her dream, there was a very vague image. When she was forced to separate from Lin Cheng during the recording of the program, when she was sent to the orphanage by those 'kind people'... Although that figure... He didn't appear, but he was watching from a short distance away.   For some reason, Lin Momo felt that the person in front of her was very similar to the figure in her dream.   Seeing that Lin Momo ignored him, Sun Yanzhou didn't care either. He smiled calmly, looked at Lin Cheng again, and asked with concern: "How are you doing lately?"   Before Lin Cheng could speak, Sun Yanzhou added, "I haven't paid much attention to the company's affairs in recent years. If you have any difficulties, please let me know. If you need any help, please let me know."   "By the way, did you come to the film and television city because of the variety show that the company arranged for you before, or did you come to work? "Moon Hidden on Xijiang Night" here is invested by the company, and I am half of the company representative. Why don't you come and give it a try? , I'm going to ask the director to arrange some scenes for you as an extra." Sun Yanzhou said sincerely, and it sounded like he was trying to help Lin Cheng.   Only Lin Cheng looked at the other party with no emotion in his eyes.   Realizing that his hand was shaken, Lin Cheng lowered his head.   "Dad, let's go quickly." Lin Momo whispered to Lin Cheng, pulling Lin Cheng's arm hard, trying to drag him away.   Regardless of whether the person in front of her was the person in the dream, she felt that this person was not a good person.   Sensing the uneasiness in Lin Momo's mood, Lin Cheng's eyes darkened, he looked at Sun Yanzhou and the others, said, "No need," and turned to leave with Lin Momo in hand.   Looking at the father and daughter walking away, a hint of amusement flashed in Sun Yanzhou's eyes.   ——   After sending Sun Yimeng to the front desk, Sun Yanzhou and Le Bai came to the lounge specially prepared for Le Bai by the crew of "Moon Hidden at Xijiang Night" at the actor interview venue.   There was no one else present at this time, and Le Bai no longer concealed the anger on his face. He looked at Sun Yanzhou dissatisfied and asked: "Why did the company give the resources of the parent-child reality show to Lin Cheng this time?"   And he actually let Lin Cheng come to the film and television city.   Faced with Le Bai's questioning, Sun Yanzhou was very calm and sneered: "Didn't you just steal some of his resources back then? It's been so many years. Are you so nervous about it?"   Hearing this, Le Bai's expression did not soften, but became even darker, and he said in a deep voice: "You know that's not what I'm talking about."   "What's that?" Sun Yanzhou raised his eyebrows and asked again: "Back then, you found someone to put something in Lin Cheng's wine, deliberately sent away several other staff members, and then led the illegitimate fan into his room? Finally? Posting black material online?"   Hearing Sun Yanzhou's words, Le Bai's face became anxious, he jumped up from the sofa, pointed at Sun Yanzhou and cursed: "You fart! You designed those things for me!"   "Isn't that what you wanted to do?"   "I...if you hadn't designed me, I wouldn't have been able to..."   At the beginning, Sun Yanzhou did covet Lin Cheng's traffic and resources, and did a lot of things to blackmail Lin Cheng behind the scenes, but he did not have the ability to completely make Lin Cheng cold.   Until one day, a woman claiming to be Ye found Le Bai.   That woman offered you a large sum of money to cooperate with her to bring down Lin Cheng. The woman provided the medicine, and the copied room card was also provided by the woman.   Under the inducement of the woman, Le Bai agreed to cooperate, and then manipulated the black material of the "Lin Cheng X Fan" incident.   Afterwards, Le Bai always felt strange: why everything went so smoothly, and there was not even any clues.   Until one day, he unexpectedly discovered that it was not him who had done well at all, but someone who was 'helping' behind the scenes, and he was just a pawn.   The woman who first approached Sun Yanzhou was actually Sun Yanzhou. Sun Yanzhou didn't want to expose himself, so he let the woman approach him. These two people used his desire to replace Lin Cheng to become famous and manipulated him to do those things.   "You also benefited from it, didn't you?" Sun Yanzhou said calmly, interrupting Le Bai.   "I also use people's money to eliminate disasters for others." Sun Yanzhou added.   Lin Cheng was an artist under him at the beginning, and of course he didn't want anything to happen to him. However, Ms. Ye found him, promised to give him a large sum of money, and used her resources to help him advance in the company and in the entertainment industry. climb.   Faced with his own future, Sun Yanzhou chose to give up the artist in his hands.   Later, the two used Le Bai to completely make Lin Cheng feel cold.   After that, Sun Yanzhou followed Ms. Ye's wishes and took away all Lin Cheng's resources, kept suppressing Lin Cheng, and arranged a useless agent for Lin Cheng. In this way, he neither made him popular nor He is completely out of the entertainment industry.   "Hmph," Le Bai calmed down, snorted coldly, and added: "I don't care what you do, but I didn't remind you when you were blamed. He is going to be famous again recently. If he bites back, none of us will feel better. .”   Hearing this, Sun Yanzhou smiled: "It's better to be popular, but I'm afraid he won't get attention if he's not popular."   "What do you mean?" Le Bai frowned.   "Isn't Lin Cheng famous because of his daughter this time? He will soon die because of his daughter." Sun Yanzhou paused and told Le Bai his plan: He originally planned to let Lin Cheng appear in various appearances on the show. The situation was scolded by the audience and criticized by netizens. When the time comes, he will release negative information to make Lin Cheng even more negative.   But what surprised him was that Lin Cheng didn't turn out to be bad in the show, but instead became a little popular.   However, it's okay. When Lin Cheng's popularity reaches a certain level, he will release the evidence of Lin Cheng's black materials: X fan, abandonment, and getting his daughter back just for the sake of variety shows... the effect may be better.   After hearing Sun Yanzhou's plan, even Le Bai couldn't help but take a breath: "It's too cruel."   Sun Yanzhou glanced at Le Bai and said, "You can't blame me. The fight between wealthy families for family property is not much cleaner than that of the entertainment industry."   This time, the other party obviously wanted to kill Lin Cheng, not only to make Lin Cheng black, but also to make Lin Cheng completely bear the moral infamy and even legal sanctions, without a chance to recover.   The difference was that this time it was not only Ms. Ye who came to him, but also her husband.   "This is your deal and has nothing to do with me." Le Bai suddenly wanted to distance himself from the relationship.   But Sun Yanzhou smiled: "Those things you did back then, you thought you could escape unscathed."   "You——!" After looking at each other, Le Bai was defeated.   "I drugged him and let that woman in, wouldn't it be exposed?" Le Bai asked worriedly.   "Don't worry, our employer is not simple. Those things are cleaned up very cleanly."   …   Sun Yanzhou and Le Bai quickly reached an agreement.   But neither of them noticed that the door was slightly opened while they were talking, and that Sun Yimeng was holding a mobile phone outside.   ——   "By the way, do you know what Lin Cheng came here to do?" Sun Yanzhou asked casually.   "I don't know. I heard from the staff downstairs that he seemed to have gone upstairs to Tower A. Could it be that he was going to interview the crew?" Le Bai guessed.   After all, there are several theater groups upstairs that are looking for actors, including some big productions with excellent reputations.   Hearing this, a flash of disdain flashed across Sun Yanzhou's face: What kind of acting skills could a singer like Lin Cheng have?

  3. Chapter 59  Considering that this was Lin Momo's first exposure to the filming of film and television dramas, the director originally only arranged a scene of "picking up buns" this morning.   But what everyone on the crew didn't expect was that Lin Momo would go through this scene in one go.   Including the time for makeup and preparation, the whole scene was shot in less than an hour and a half.   Seeing that there was still plenty of time, the director and Li Jianhong looked at each other and simply mentioned the next two scenes to be shot in the film and television city.   One scene shows 'Xu Duo' packing her luggage at home and getting ready to leave.   In this scene, the director did not tell Lin Momo any more about the scene, but let her act on her own and try to film it first.   The built house is small and dark.   When she first entered this strange little house, Lin Momo was still a little uncomfortable and would bump into each other.   But soon, she adapted to such an environment.   According to the director's prompts, Lin Momo quickly determined the place where everything in the house should be placed.   Under the somewhat surprised gazes of everyone outside the camera, Lin Momo quickly took out the things that needed to be taken away and placed them on the wooden bed in an orderly manner.   Lin Momo squatted down, pulled out the woven bag from under the bed, and then started to pack things - first she tore off a few old calendars posted on the wall and put them at the bottom of the woven bag, and then neatly folded cotton She placed the bottles and jars in the house and a few untouched dishes in the middle, then the dry food, and finally her clothes.   There are not many clothes, only three or four sets in total.   Lin Momo put several other pieces of clothing into woven bags, but left one piece alone in a plastic bag - this was the best set of these clothes, and it was also the one that 'Xu Duo' was ready for. I wear it when I go to the city and meet my parents and younger brother.   After putting everything away, Lin Momo put the heavy woven bag on her back and walked out of the house.   When leaving, Lin Momo turned back reluctantly and looked at the home where 'Xu Duo' had lived for a long time. After taking two steps, Lin Momo turned back again until she confirmed that the lock on the door was indeed locked. After that, he completely turned around and left home.   "Crack——!"   "Okay, no problem!" the director said, turning his head and looking at Li Jianhong behind him.   At this time, both of them felt like they had "found a treasure"   Because the whole drama is originally shot using documentary techniques, there is no need for actors to deliberately find lenses or camera positions, as long as they show it truthfully.   But they didn't expect that Lin Momo could actually play 'Xu Duo' so realistically that it didn't even look like she was acting.   "No problem, let's play next." Li Jianhong touched his chin, nodded and said.   The director also nodded and said to the scene: "Then let's move on to the next scene, and all departments will prepare."   …   The next scene is a scene where 'Xu Duo' comes to her grandma's grave and tells her that she is leaving to find her parents. This is also the only scene in the entire unit script where 'Xu Duo' has lines.   Lin Momo carried her luggage to the grave and squatted down in front of her grandma's grave.   "Grandma, I'm leaving. I'm going to the city to find my parents and Xiaobao." Lin Momo said, holding in her hand a train ticket left by her parents when they returned home a few years ago. - Mallard Village Station'.   "I brought all of Xiaobao's clothes. I don't know how much Xiaobao has grown in the past two years and whether he can still wear them."   "And what you said about the quilts your parents got when they got married, the insoles you made for them, and the dried cowpeas at home..."   "I gave the two chickens I raised to Zhang Xiaofeng and her family..."   "I'm leaving. When we find your parents, we'll come see you again."   Lin Momo stood up again, took out a piece of dry bread from the bag behind her, broke off half of it and placed it in front of the grave, then turned and left.   It wasn't until Lin Momo's back walked away and gradually blurred into the camera lens that the director called out.   Except for some detailed shots that required reshoots, this scene also had no major problems and passed smoothly.   ——   At this time, the time has reached noon.   On the second day after arriving at the film and television city for filming, Lin Momo and Lin Cheng finally had their first lunch provided by the crew.   Before the staff could bring the rice to Lin Momo, she had already excitedly pulled Lin Cheng and followed the crowd to queue up.   The father and daughter lined up in front of the staff serving food.   Seeing Lin Momo, the staff member was slightly startled and said, "I said I would send it to you specially, why did you come here by yourself?"   After all, Lin Momo is considered the protagonist of this unit of the drama. According to the treatment of the protagonist, it is expected that someone will bring food to her when she eats.   "I came here when I smelled the aroma of rice!" Lin Momo said to the other party with a smile.   Hearing this, the staff serving the meal couldn't help but smile.   "This is yours." The staff packed a large bowl of rice for Lin Momo and handed it to her hand.   "Another chicken drumstick." As he said that, the staff put another large chicken drumstick into Lin Momo's lunch box.   Looking at the lunch piled up in front of her, Lin Momo suddenly felt a kind of pressure.   "You don't need so much, I only need to eat a little bit." Lin Momo said.   But the staff looked at Lin Momo with concern and said, "It's okay, we have to film in the afternoon, eat more."   "Come on, these fried steamed buns are also delicious. I'll give you two of them, and some condensed milk." As he said that, the staff was very proud and added two more golden steamed buns to Lin Momo's lunch box.   ——He watched the filming this morning from the sidelines. Lin Momo looked so pitiful while eating steamed buns. So, at this moment, the staff member subconsciously wanted the child to eat more, completely. I forgot to consider whether Lin Momo's belly could hold so much.   So, at noon, Lin Cheng ate lunch for one and a half people alone.   ——   Shooting continued in the afternoon.   This scene is the most important scene in the entire script, and it is also the darkest section in the entire story: 'Xu Duo' came to the city, and accidentally entered a food stall in confusion. She was so hungry that her eyesight A dizzy 'Xu Duo' was picking up food at a food stall and was evicted by some stall owners because she disturbed the diners' eating.   When leaving, the big bag behind 'Xu Duo' accidentally knocked over the beer on a table of diners, so he was caught by a few drunkards and taught him a lesson until the kind-hearted diners at other tables couldn't stand it anymore and stopped him.' Xu Duo' was able to escape...   It was this experience that made 'Xu Duo' have a stronger fear of this strange city and become wary of the people around her.   Originally, the director planned to shoot this scene according to the original story, but at Li Jianhong's request, the crew made temporary adjustments to this section. The section where 'Xu Duo' entered and left the food stall was still shot according to the original plan, but 'Xu Duo' entered and left the food stall. The scenes where Duo' was driven away by the stall owner, tied up, and punched and kicked by the drunkard were all changed to a "first-person perspective", with the actors playing the stall owner and the drunkard shooting directly into the camera lens, and finally wearing Insert it into the entire plot, or just 'leave it black'.   "This kid's acting skills are good. This scene can be shot from the third perspective." The director stared at the shooting screen and asked Li Jianhong with a little puzzlement - in the previous scenes, he was used to having one camera zoom all the way to the end. The director is not used to the shooting mode that requires interspersing.   Hearing this, Li Jianhong glanced at the director and then asked: "What if those paragraphs in the middle frighten the child and leave some psychological shadow on her?"   There is another point that Li Jianhong did not say: the request to adjust this paragraph was actually not something he thought of, but a request that Lin Cheng came to him specifically to make.   Li Jianhong didn't know why Lin Cheng was so determined to let the crew adjust that section, especially the section where 'Xu Duo' was tied up. But if you think about it carefully, in order to avoid scaring the children as much as possible, Lin Cheng's request is not unreasonable.   And in the formal plot, 'leaving it dark' may be more effective than showing those violent scenes.   …   Due to adjustments to the shooting method, Lin Momo's role was reduced by half compared to the original script, so the afternoon shooting was completed quickly.   After finishing the day's shooting, Lin Momo still had an excited expression on her face when she left the crew.   "Dad." Lin Momo called Lin Cheng in the crew's car.   "What?"   "Can you take me to a food stall if you have time?" Lin Momo asked with shining eyes.   She had been to the snack street in the past, but Lin Momo had never been to a food stall like this.   The food stalls set up by the crew made Lin Momo feel very funny.   Lin Cheng lowered his head and glanced at Lin Momo, with a smile in his eyes, and then replied: "Okay."   In fact, Lin Cheng had never been to a snack stall like that. Firstly, he didn't have such a living habit. Secondly, he didn't want to go back and rummage through the medicine box.   …   The entire filming in the studio went smoothly overall, so the crew only took a day and a half to complete the filming.   In the afternoon, the crew set off for the location.   The so-called location is actually on the road.   From villages to county towns to highways, to urban streets where people come and go...   There are still no lines, no other actors, and no need for Lin Momo to perform. She just needs to keep moving forward towards the destination in her heart like 'Xu Duo'.   "For the rest of the shooting, you just need to imagine that your parents and the people you love are waiting for you in front. As long as you go forward, go a little further, you will probably see them. Do you understand?" Filmmaker In the car, the director said to Lin Momo.   After hearing the director's words, Lin Momo thought for a while, then nodded to show that she understood.   So, on a section of road where the crew applied for a filming permit in advance, Lin Momo was put off the car.   Lin Momo tightened the woven bag behind her back and started walking forward.   Lin Momo didn't walk very fast, but she never stopped for a moment. There wasn't much expression on her face. Even during the more than ten minutes of filming, the expression on Lin Momo's face didn't change at all.   However, in this "no acting" state, others can feel the persistence and persistence of the girl in the picture and the starlight hidden in her dim eyes - she doesn't know where her family is, but she I firmly believe that if I keep walking, I will be able to see them.   A total of more than a dozen scenes were shot like this, and it was not until late in the evening that the scene of 'Xu Duo' all the way into the city was finally completed.   The crew was eating the crew's evening lunch in the temporary filming studio next to the block. Lin Momo looked very happy.   "What are you laughing at?" Seeing the silly smile on Lin Momo's face, Lin Cheng also curled up the corners of his mouth and asked immediately.   "Uncle director and Grandpa Li praised me for my good acting." Lin Momo said with a smile on her face, with a little bit of embarrassment in her voice.   After mentioning the directors, Lin Momo suddenly thought of something and stood up from her chair: "By the way, the noodle soup we made hasn't been given to them yet."   Since the success of making noodle soup with the leftover ingredients of steamed buns in the second issue, this 'dish' has become the signature dish of Lin Momo and her family who set up a stall and entertain guests. In order to thank Li Jianhong and the director, they gave As an opportunity to shoot by herself, Lin Momo borrowed the landlord's kitchen early this morning and prepared cold noodle soup to bring to the crew.   "I'll go give it to them now." Lin Momo said.   "Slow down and don't run out of the crew's range." Lin Cheng warned.   "Okay, I'll be back soon." After saying that, Lin Momo picked up the thermal bag the landlord lent her and ran out.   Lin Momo quickly came to the shed where the director team and crew members were, and distributed the noodle soup that had been divided into small boxes in the bag to everyone present.   Before leaving, Lin Momo didn't forget to make an advertisement.   "The noodle soup we make is super delicious. If we open a store in the future, you are welcome to come and try it."   Lin Momo's words once again amused the crew.   At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room was also happy:   [Hahaha, Momo is still thinking about opening a store. 】   [Try to be drawn to open a store next week. 】   【Don't! The father and daughter are already very dirty. Next week, they must not get into any breakfast restaurants or late-night snack bars. It will be too hard. 】   It was this experience that made 'Xu Duo' have a stronger fear of this strange city and become wary of the people around her.   Originally, the director planned to shoot this scene according to the original story, but at Li Jianhong's request, the crew made temporary adjustments to this section. The section where 'Xu Duo' entered and left the food stall was still shot according to the original plan, but 'Xu Duo' entered and left the food stall. The scenes where Duo' was driven away by the stall owner, tied up, and punched and kicked by the drunkard were all changed to a "first-person perspective", with the actors playing the stall owner and the drunkard shooting directly into the camera lens, and finally wearing Insert it into the entire plot, or just 'leave it black'.   "This kid's acting skills are good. This scene can be shot from the third perspective." The director stared at the shooting screen and asked Li Jianhong with a little puzzlement - in the previous scenes, he was used to having one camera zoom all the way to the end. The director is not used to the shooting mode that requires interspersing.   Hearing this, Li Jianhong glanced at the director and then asked: "What if those paragraphs in the middle frighten the child and leave some psychological shadow on her?"   There is another point that Li Jianhong did not say: the request to adjust this paragraph was actually not something he thought of, but a request that Lin Cheng came to him specifically to make.   Li Jianhong didn't know why Lin Cheng was so determined to let the crew adjust that section, especially the section where 'Xu Duo' was tied up. But if you think about it carefully, in order to avoid scaring the children as much as possible, Lin Cheng's request is not unreasonable.   And in the formal plot, 'leaving it dark' may be more effective than showing those violent scenes.   …   Due to adjustments to the shooting method, Lin Momo's role was reduced by half compared to the original script, so the afternoon shooting was completed quickly.   After finishing the day's shooting, Lin Momo still had an excited expression on her face when she left the crew.   "Dad." Lin Momo called Lin Cheng in the crew's car.   "What?"   "Can you take me to a food stall if you have time?" Lin Momo asked with shining eyes.   She had been to the snack street in the past, but Lin Momo had never been to a food stall like this.   The food stalls set up by the crew made Lin Momo feel very funny.   Lin Cheng lowered his head and glanced at Lin Momo, with a smile in his eyes, and then replied: "Okay."   In fact, Lin Cheng had never been to a snack stall like that. Firstly, he didn't have such a living habit. Secondly, he didn't want to go back and rummage through the medicine box.   …   The entire filming in the studio went smoothly overall, so the crew only took a day and a half to complete the filming.   In the afternoon, the crew set off for the location.   The so-called location is actually on the road.   From villages to county towns to highways, to urban streets where people come and go...   There are still no lines, no other actors, and no need for Lin Momo to perform. She just needs to keep moving forward towards the destination in her heart like 'Xu Duo'.   "For the rest of the shooting, you just need to imagine that your parents and the people you love are waiting for you in front. As long as you go forward, go a little further, you will probably see them. Do you understand?" Filmmaker In the car, the director said to Lin Momo.   After hearing the director's words, Lin Momo thought for a while, then nodded to show that she understood.   So, on a section of road where the crew applied for a filming permit in advance, Lin Momo was put off the car.   Lin Momo tightened the woven bag behind her back and started walking forward.   Lin Momo didn't walk very fast, but she never stopped for a moment. There wasn't much expression on her face. Even during the more than ten minutes of filming, the expression on Lin Momo's face didn't change at all.   However, in this "no acting" state, others can feel the persistence and persistence of the girl in the picture and the starlight hidden in her dim eyes - she doesn't know where her family is, but she I firmly believe that if I keep walking, I will be able to see them.   A total of more than a dozen scenes were shot like this, and it was not until late in the evening that the scene of 'Xu Duo' all the way into the city was finally completed.   The crew was eating the crew's evening lunch in the temporary filming studio next to the block. Lin Momo looked very happy.   "What are you laughing at?" Seeing the silly smile on Lin Momo's face, Lin Cheng also curled up the corners of his mouth and asked immediately.   "Uncle director and Grandpa Li praised me for my good acting." Lin Momo said with a smile on her face, with a little bit of embarrassment in her voice.   After mentioning the directors, Lin Momo suddenly thought of something and stood up from her chair: "By the way, the noodle soup we made hasn't been given to them yet."   Since the success of making noodle soup with the leftover ingredients of steamed buns in the second issue, this 'dish' has become the signature dish of Lin Momo and her family who set up a stall and entertain guests. In order to thank Li Jianhong and the director, they gave As an opportunity to shoot by herself, Lin Momo borrowed the landlord's kitchen early this morning and prepared cold noodle soup to bring to the crew.   "I'll go give it to them now." Lin Momo said.   "Slow down and don't run out of the crew's range." Lin Cheng warned.   "Okay, I'll be back soon." After saying that, Lin Momo picked up the thermal bag the landlord lent her and ran out.   Lin Momo quickly came to the shed where the director team and crew members were, and distributed the noodle soup that had been divided into small boxes in the bag to everyone present.   Before leaving, Lin Momo didn't forget to make an advertisement.   "The noodle soup we make is super delicious. If we open a store in the future, you are welcome to come and try it."   Lin Momo's words once again amused the crew.   At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room was also happy:   [Hahaha, Momo is still thinking about opening a store. 】   [Try to be drawn to open a store next week. 】   【Don't! The father and daughter are already very dirty. Next week, they must not get into any breakfast restaurants or late-night snack bars. It will be too hard. 】   At this time, Lin Cheng, who had changed into a police uniform, appeared in the live broadcast again, and the barrage area in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded:   【my God! Lin Cheng is so handsome! 】   [Really, this outfit suits dad so well! 】   [Emma, ​​I’m going to be a fan of Lin Cheng’s face! 】   [I don’t care that the producer of the previous crew asked Lin Cheng to make a guest appearance, you have a good eye for gold! 】   …   Just as everyone in the live broadcast room was discussing it, the filming of the last scene on the set officially started.   ——In the evening, on a busy street with people coming and going, a thin figure walked confusedly carrying a huge woven bag that was extremely inconsistent with her body shape.   After this difficult journey, the girl was now even more embarrassed than when she left home. Her shoes were torn and her knees were all bruised. The woven bag behind her was no longer as polished as when she set off. clean.   The girl who had always believed in this direction suddenly lost her way and didn't know which direction to go on.   At this time, the police appeared in front of the girl. He took the big bag behind the girl, took the girl's hand, and took the girl away.   Lin Cheng lowered his head and looked at Lin Momo beside him, knelt down and carried Lin Momo on his back.   There was no such action in the original script, but no one on the set stopped it.   Lin Momo lay on Lin Cheng's shoulder, subconsciously rubbed her head on Lin Cheng's shoulder, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Fortunately you found me."   Regarding the story of 'Xu Duo', Lin Momo had her own judgment. She actually knew that Lin Cheng might be lying to her, and the real Xu Duo might not be as lucky as her.   "Thank you." Lin Momo whispered to Lin Cheng again: thank him for finding her.   Lin Cheng was slightly startled when he heard Lin Momo's words.   Lin Cheng was about to say something more, but Lin Momo said in an innocent tone: "However, Xu Duo in another world should be as happy as me, right?"   ——It's like she had a bad life in that dream, but in reality she was very happy.   "Yeah." Lin Cheng nodded and responded.   …   The conversation between the father and daughter was not included. Under the setting sun, only two overlapping figures could be seen walking away, and finally disappeared into the gradually calming night.   This section was also included in the program by the cameramen of "Living with Dad".   In the live broadcast room, many viewers expressed emotion after seeing this scene:   【So touching...】   [Although I knew it was filming, I still cried unsatisfactorily. 】   [I really want to read the whole story. 】   ——   Lin.   Mr. Lin, who had also watched the last scene while holding his tablet, also had a look of emotion on his face.   "Fortunately, our little Momo was found." Mr. Lin said with lingering fear.   After knowing that Lin Momo was going to film this drama, the old man took advantage of the relationship with the show team and learned the prototype story behind the story. At this time, the old man felt very uneasy.   If Lin Momo hadn't been found, their little Momo would have suffered so much.   Later, the old man called Zhou Ming.   "Old man?"   "I remember that our Lin family has a cooperative foundation, right?"   "yes."   "Let's set up a fund for children's growth." Mr. Lin said.   Zhou Ming also watched today's live broadcast of "Living with Dad". Therefore, as soon as Mr. Lin said these words, he guessed the reason for Mr. Lin's instructions, so he nodded and responded: "I will do it as soon as possible. .”   ——   the other side.   Lin Cheng and Lin Momo completed the filming of the last scene of this story.   The crew originally wanted to invite Lin Cheng and Lin Momo to celebrate together, but Lin Cheng declined.   Facing Lin Cheng and his daughter, the director and Li Jianhong still felt a little apologetic.   Probably out of shame, before Lin Cheng and Lin Momo left, Li Jianhong introduced another drama to them.   "The director of "Retrograde" is my student. Although there is not much publicity in the early stage of this drama, it is an officially funded drama. It is definitely a big production and it requires many characters. Some of them don't appear much but they are very exciting. You might as well try out the role." Li Jianhong handed a business card to Lin Cheng.   Although Lin Cheng was still a little unhappy about the previous 'mistakes' of the crew, he still accepted Li Jianhong's kindness and said he would go and have a look.

  4. Chapter 56  The equipment and personnel at the filming site were quickly in place.   The extras who were 'lucky' to get the tattered clothes for the next scene had already experienced enough to find a place in the filming location and lie down in various positions.   Seeing this, Lin Cheng had no choice but to find a corner seat and sit down at the scene.   At this time, the assistant director’s commanding voice came from not far away.   "Those people in the middle, please move to the side."   "Those who stick together, don't get together, just spread out a little bit."   "And that one over there! You're out of the camera, move a little closer!"   "Yes, I'm just talking about you. Stop looking and move inside! Lie down a little further on the ground, lower your head and lie on the ground."   After confirming that the other party was talking about himself, Lin Cheng said: "..."   Therefore, Lin Cheng, who had never bowed to anyone even in the Lin family, for the first time bowed his head for a little living expenses.   …   After the scene was properly arranged, several main actors also changed their clothes and came to the shooting location.   As the director shouted start, filming officially began.   ——After several main actors rushed into the village and saw countless deaths on the streets, their eyes immediately turned red. The second male actor lost control and cursed the enemy as crazy. The male protagonist made a temporary arrangement after appeasing the brothers behind him. Decided to chase down the enemy and avenge the dead fellow villagers.   Such a scene takes about ten minutes from the time the actors enter to the time they leave.   However, unlike the previous scene where the enemy massacred fellow villagers, the shooting of this scene was much more complicated and the requirements were much higher than the previous one because the main actors appeared on the scene.   A scene lasting more than ten minutes took five takes before it was approved.   ——   On the other side, Lin Momo stayed on the edge of the infield, not knowing where the filming on the street outside had progressed.   Although Lin Momo wanted to know how Lin Cheng made TV, but thinking about what her father told her before, Lin Momo still stayed where she was, next to the field lady.   In order not to disturb other people's work, Lin Momo took out her little notebook and wrote down the crews they had visited and the remaining crews they had not yet visited.   From time to time, Lin Momo could still hear some actors talking about scenes in the backfield, as well as several assistant directors and young actors talking about the scenes.   Lin Momo didn't understand some professional terms, so she could only write down some popular things said by the assistant director and actors. For example: where to focus on the camera equipment when looking straight ahead, how to avoid laughing during the scene, and how to express happiness and anger when reading lines, etc.   While Lin Momo was "stealing her skills" from the sidelines, through her perspective, the audience in the live broadcast room also had a direct look at a filming scene.   [Haha, it turns out that this is what real studio shooting is like. 】   [It feels different from those promotional photos of the crew and the behind-the-scenes footage posted online. 】   The stills and behind-the-scenes released by the crew online are either stunning and good-looking, or they are funny and full of topics. In contrast, the crew scene that everyone saw through Lin Cheng's live broadcast room seemed very "down-to-earth".   [I thought the crew was very high-level when filming, but I never expected...]   [Chichi, it feels just like when we were scrambling for work at the construction site, hahaha. 】   [While watching a parent-child reality show, I also watched a live recording of the crew's filming. This super VIP member's money is well spent. 】   …   When Lin Cheng and Lin Momo came to the crew, the people from the "Living with Dad" program team had already contacted the crew leader and director. Although some content related to the confidentiality of the crew's information was blocked by the program crew, But this will have little impact on the audience in the live broadcast room.   While the audience was complaining that the real crew was not as advanced as they originally thought, they were watching it with gusto in the live broadcast room.   For a time, the number of active viewers in Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's live broadcast room reached the highest value in several episodes, even vaguely surpassing Zheng Chengye's group as previously thought.   Among them, there are also many new viewers who have come to the live broadcast room for their fame:   [I heard that you can see the filming site of the crew here, so I came to take a look. 】   [Ahem, I'm different. I just came to see my little brother. I heard that he also starred in this drama. 】   [I was watching several other groups before, but I didn’t notice Lin Cheng’s group. It seemed like this group was quite fun. 】   …   on site.   Lin Momo didn't know the sudden popularity in her live broadcast room. At this time, she was immersed in her "little notes".   At this moment, next to Lin Momo, the mobile phone in the hand of the field service lady suddenly rang. It was another colleague of hers.   "Where are you?" asked the colleague and senior sister on the other end of the phone.   "I'll be right here on the edge of the infield," the groundskeeper replied.   Because the main shooting at this time was on the streets outside, there were a lot less things going on inside.   The field manager originally planned to take a short break, but unexpectedly a colleague called me.   "What's the matter?" the steward asked.   "That's it. Teacher Lu invited everyone to drink milk tea and ordered seventy or eighty cups. The people at the milk tea shop are too busy to deliver so many at once. You can find a few more people to go over and help get some. "said the colleague on the other end of the phone.   The teacher Lu mentioned by the other party is the second male actor in this crew.   Hearing what the other party said, the steward frowned and secretly complained: "His own assistant won't go..."   However, the field attendant still took on the job, and after hanging up the phone, started to pull people around.   The place where they are now is a special filming area for the crew. To buy milk tea, you have to go to a nearby snack street open to tourists.   The housekeeping lady was busy looking for someone to get milk tea with her, and didn't pay attention to Lin Momo, who was silent and had no presence at all.   It wasn't until the set lady and two other staff members came out of the set and onto the street that they discovered the child who had been following her.   "Why did you follow me out?" The stewardess looked at Lin Momo with a strange look on her face and asked. Only then did I remember that the child's father seemed to have entrusted her to his temporary care.   The field lady frowned again and said to Lin Momo: "Just stay inside, why did you follow me out?"   Seeing that Lin Momo didn't speak and was busy getting milk tea, the steward had no choice but to wave his hand and said: "Forget it, just follow me."   The group of several people arrived at the shop where the second male ordered milk tea, and the waiter placed Lin Momo on a bench next to the milk tea shop.   "We'll go in to get the milk tea. You wait here. I'll take you back together later."   Hearing this, Lin Momo nodded.   …   Several people went in to get milk tea, and Lin Momo and I sat on the bench next to her.   Next to Lin Momo, a clerk at a milk tea shop was recommending their new products to passers-by.   The new milk tea is put in a small cup. When someone passes by, the clerk will enthusiastically come up and grab a cup and hand it to them.   After distributing the small cup of milk tea on the tray, the milk tea clerk noticed that the child next to her had been looking at her - the milk tea in her hand, so she smiled at Lin Momo and handed the small cup of milk tea to Lin Momo. In front of Mo.   "Kid, do you want to try it?" the milk tea clerk asked.   "May I?"   "Of course." The clerk smiled again and said to Lin Momo, "Take it."   "Well, thank you sister."   Lin Momo took the small cup from the other person's hand, put it to her mouth and took a sip.   The moment she drank the milk tea, Lin Momo's eyes brightened up.   The milk tea is sweet but not greasy, and it seems to have a bit of salty nutty flavor in it.   All in all, it’s very delicious!   Lin Momo commented in her heart.   On the side, seeing Lin Momo enjoying herself even with a small cup of milk tea, the milk tea clerk couldn't help but smile again, took another small cup of milk tea from the tray and handed it to Lin Momo.   However, Lin Momo did not drink this cup, but put it into the empty small water bottle on her body.   …   There are many shop assistants on this street distributing tasting drinks like this. Those who dispense fruit tea, milk tea, coffee... they have everything.   Lin Momo received a lot of free drinks from these clerks.   After turning around in a small circle, Lin Momo's water bottle was more than half full.   At this time, the floor attendant and two other staff members finally walked out of the milk tea shop, each carrying two large bottles of milk tea, one on the left and one on the right.   Seeing this, before the other party called her, Lin Momo had already followed several people closely.   "Sister, let me get some for you." Lin Momo said proactively.   "No need." The steward subconsciously refused.   However, as soon as she finished speaking, several bags of milk tea with individually noted flavors and toppings almost fell from her hands.   Fortunately, Lin Momo caught the cups of milk tea quickly with quick eyes and hands.   Looking at the child carrying milk tea for him, the steward felt a little embarrassed.   ——   Back on set.   At this time, the two scenes outside have been filmed.   There was some chaos on the set: the staff were busy preparing the arrangements for the next scene, while the extras went to the side one by one to collect their money.   The moment he took off his clothes, Lin Cheng's tense nerves finally relaxed.   Arriving at the sidelines, Lin Cheng received the payment for the two filming sessions from the on-site financial staff.   At this time, another staff member handed another red envelope to Lin Cheng and said to him: "Thank you for your hard work."   This is a rule on the set. Anyone who plays a dead person will be given a red envelope by the crew.   There isn't much money in it, it's just for good luck.   After receiving the red envelope, Lin Cheng had a complicated expression.   ——   The expression on Lin Cheng's face at this time was recorded by the camera in the live broadcast room.   Looking at this scene, many joking comments popped up on the barrage:   [Dad Lin also worked very hard for this extra little red envelope. 】   [Funny and sad at the same time. 】   [Too dedicated. 】   【move. 】   [No, I think Lin Cheng wanted to refuse at first, but he just didn't have time. 】   [Haha, I just want to know what Lin Cheng is feeling in his heart at this moment. 】   [Lin Cheng: I don’t dare to think about it. 】   …   Lin Cheng came to the infield and received Lin Momo.   Lin Momo looked surprised when she saw Lin Cheng coming back.   "Dad, have you finished filming your scene?" Lin Momo asked.   "Well, the filming is finished."   "Did it go well?" Lin Momo asked again.   "Not bad." Lin Cheng said, and handed Lin Momo the remuneration settled on his mobile phone from the crew's finance.   From two scenes, I made a total of 120 yuan.   Lin Momo looked surprised when she saw the money.   "so much!"   Lin Cheng did not comment on the "many" in Lin Momo's words, but took out the red envelope from his pocket and handed it to Lin Momo.   "What is this?" Lin Momo asked as she took the red envelope from Lin Cheng.   "Extra reward." Lin Cheng said simply.   When she heard the word 'reward', Lin Momo's eyes lit up and she opened the red envelope: it contained money as expected. After counting it, it was a total of 16 yuan and 80 cents.   "Is this an extra reward because dad performed well during filming?" Lin Momo looked up at Lin Cheng and asked.   Facing Lin Momo's admiring gaze, Lin Cheng felt mixed.   Lin Cheng's mouth twitched slightly and he sighed secretly, without telling Lin Momo that this was the extra reward he got for lying there for a while.  …   At this moment, Lin Cheng discovered that Lin Momo suddenly stopped leaving.   Lin Cheng lowered his head and realized that Lin Momo was looking at him with her lips pursed, her eyes full of tears.   Seeing this, Lin Cheng's heart skipped a beat, and he knelt down in front of Lin Momo and asked, "What's wrong?"   "We won't shoot anymore." Lin Momo said.   Hearing this, Lin Cheng was a little puzzled and asked: "Why?"   At this time, Lin Momo pointed to Lin Cheng's arm and said, "You are injured."   Following Lin Momo's finger, Lin Cheng noticed two 'blood stains' on his arm and shoulder.   This should have been left behind by the crew when they were doing makeup on Lin Cheng. At first glance, the color does look a bit real.   "We're not going to shoot anymore. We'll never shoot again." Lin Momo held Lin Cheng's hand again and emphasized firmly.   Seeing his daughter's concern for him, Lin Cheng felt warm in his heart, but he couldn't help but smile and explained to Lin Momo: "No injuries."   "Huh? No?"   "No," Lin Cheng rolled up his sleeves, letting Lin Momo see the 'bloodstains' on his arms clearly, and continued: "Look, these are all painted on, and they are all fake."   "Is it fake?" Lin Momo pulled Lin Cheng's arm and carefully rubbed her fingers on it, finally confirming that the scary-looking 'blood stain' was indeed fake.   "Fortunately it's fake..." Lin Momo breathed a sigh of relief.   However, the next second, Lin Momo looked at Lin Cheng seriously again, and asked worriedly: "Are you really not injured?"   "No." The two shootings just now were not difficult. Although there were some collisions when everyone escaped for the first time, they were not injured.   "Let's go, I'll take you to dinner." Lin Cheng said to Lin Momo again.   Because these two scenes were extras recruited temporarily, the crew did not prepare lunch for the extras, and Lin Cheng needed to take Lin Momo to eat somewhere else.   Lin Momo nodded and responded: "Okay."   Thinking of something, Lin Momo called Lin Cheng again.   "By the way, Dad, this is for you," Lin Momo handed the kettle hanging on her body to Lin Cheng, and explained: "When I followed the sister just now to the snack street, there was a free drink tasting there. I got it here."   Lin Cheng knew about this kind of tasting, but he was still a little surprised when he looked at the drink that filled almost half of the kettle: How many cups of tasting did this girl have to get such a standard cup of milk tea?   However, this color seems a bit hard to describe.   Just as Lin Cheng was staring at the translucent kettle in his hand, studying the possible ingredients of the drink inside, Lin Momo raised her hand to cover the wall of the kettle to test the temperature, and said, "This one is a little cold. Dad, drink it quickly."   Facing Lin Momo's expectant expression, Lin Cheng opened the kettle lid.   Lin Cheng frowned when he smelled the complicated smell inside, but he still drank the drink.   "How is it? Does it taste good?" Lin Momo asked.   Lin Cheng: "..." Not sure, but the only certainty is that for a long time in the future, he will not want to drink any of coffee, milk tea, fruit tea and orange juice.

  5. Chapter 53: Because of this program recording, the program team did not install camera equipment in the living room, so the two girls Shu Mai and Chen Manman did not appear in the live broadcast room.   However, since the house was not soundproof, part of their voices were picked up by Lin Momo and Lin Cheng's portable devices and the radio equipment in their rooms.   The audience in the live broadcast room could still vaguely hear the voices of the two girls talking.   [What are the two young ladies going to say? Can't hear clearly. 】   [I turned the volume on my tablet to the maximum, and I seemed to hear what they seemed to be saying about the crew’s gossip. 】   [I heard it too, quarreling and stuff like that. 】   [Holy shit, is it real or fake? There are melons. 】   [Haha, it’s interesting. Watching the live broadcast, I actually became a master in the film and television entertainment industry! 】   …   In the live broadcast room, many viewers became excited after smelling the smell of 'melon'.   However, when everyone turned their electronic devices to the loudest, they found that they still couldn't hear the conversation between the two.   【what happened? Why can't you hear clearly? 】   [Me too, I can’t hear anything. 】   [It suddenly becomes blurry. 】   Just when everyone was confused, an announcement from the program team popped up on the screen of the live broadcast room: "Because some content will involve the privacy of the crew or individuals, it will be blurred before consent is obtained. After consent is obtained, the playable part will be included in the main film." Let’s play it, so stay tuned.”   [Hey, that’s it. 】   [I thought I could eat a few big melons by the way. 】   [I feel like the program team is tempting me to continue supporting the feature film, haha. 】……   Although, everyone felt quite regretful that they did not eat the big melon. However, I understand the program team's approach.   [In comparison, I am still looking forward to the process of Momo and Lin’s father becoming extras. 】   [To be honest, I am too, haha. 】   [I feel that given the degree of scheming of this non-chief father and daughter, the following life as a sidekick will not be easy. 】   [I wanted to work in the film and television city before. Come on, Momo and dad, please use your miserable situation to make me give up! 】   …   Lin Momo didn't know yet that her and Lin Cheng's future life as a supporting actor had been labeled "It will definitely be miserable" by the viewers in the live broadcast room. At this time, Lin Momo held the planned supporting role strategy in her hands. The heart is full of fighting spirit.   "Dad! I have sifted through all the information on those lists, look!" Lin Momo handed her little notebook to Lin Cheng like a treasure.   Looking at the densely written pages, Lin Cheng was a little surprised - at first glance, it seemed to be something like that.   "Okay, let me take a look." Lin Cheng said, intending to read through the contents of Lin Momo's notebook carefully.   Lin Momo moved closer to Lin Cheng's hand, looking like she was waiting to be praised.   Seeing this, Lin Cheng felt a little funny in his heart, but tried hard to look serious on his face.   "Go to sleep." Lin Cheng gently tapped Lin Momo's head and reminded her. "Well, okay." Lin Momo covered her forehead and pretended to climb onto the bed, but her eyes were still staring blankly at Lin Cheng.   Lin Momo thought she could endure it and 'accompany' her father to read all this. As a result, while lying on the bed, Lin Momo's upper eyelids and lower eyelids started to fight after a while.   Lin Cheng glanced at Lin Momo who was already sleeping soundly on the bed next to him, smiled, and continued to study the crew information written down in Lin Momo's notebook.   The piece of crew information that Chen Yu specially compiled before was 'confiscated' by the program team along with other items when the recording started. Fortunately, Lin Cheng basically wrote down the contents.   Lin Cheng compared the two documents, corrected some errors or incompleteness in Lin Momo's notebook, and highlighted several key points.   the other side.   In the company, Chen Yu silently shed tears when he saw through the live broadcast room that Lin Cheng was so diligent and serious in selecting the crew.   Even Wang Xi on the side couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Cheng is so serious."   "Brother Yu, Brother Yu, tell me, is it possible that Brother Cheng accidentally joined a certain crew in the film and television city and became famous for a certain role?" Wang Xi said suddenly with excitement.   "It's not completely impossible..." Chen Yu rubbed his chin and murmured with reservation: After all, any situation can happen in the film and television city, and with Lin Cheng's appearance, he can indeed kill many people now. The so-called fresh meat.   Hearing Chen Yu's words, Wang Xi became even more excited: "If that were the case, wouldn't Brother Cheng have the opportunity to directly transition into the film and television industry?!" He can sing and act, so why not become famous.   Wang Xizheng was thinking about the bright future when her artist became famous and she, a little intern assistant, could become a regular employee.   At this time, Zhou Qi, who had been silent next to him, suddenly asked: "By the way, can Brother Cheng know how to act?"   Wang Xi: "..."   Chen Yu: "..."   ——   The second day after arriving at the film and television city.   Because she was thinking about work, Lin Momo got up early in the morning before dawn.   Originally, Lin Momo thought she would be the first to get up, but she saw Lin Cheng who had already gotten up and packed up. At this time, he was checking the location and route of each crew, and then listened to the neighbors outside the house. Lin Momo realized with the hurried movement: She seemed to be the last to get up.   Lin Momo rubbed her eyes and looked at the still gray sky outside the window, and couldn't help but yawn.   Lin Cheng glanced at Lin Momo, lowered his voice and said, "It's still very early, go ahead and sleep a little longer."   Hearing this, Lin Momo shook her head.   "I'm going to get up." Lin Momo climbed out of bed, made the bed, changed clothes, and picked up the toiletries to wash up.   There is only one bathroom in this house, which is shared by everyone.   Lin Momo came to the bathroom door, only to find that there were already people inside - two girls, Shu Mai and Chen Manman, were standing in front of half the mirror, anxiously putting on makeup.   "Little Momo." When they saw Lin Momo, the two of them were a little surprised and asked: "Why did you get up so early? Did we wake you up in the living room?"   "No, I woke up on my own." Lin Momo said, and said hello to the two of them respectively.   Seeing that Shu Mai and Chen Manman seemed anxious, Lin Momo returned to the room holding her toiletries.   "dad."   "Um?"   "Is it okay if I go downstairs and wash up?" Lin Momo asked. Although she was not in that hurry, she hoped to pack it up earlier and go out to film with Lin Cheng to make money.   Behind the restaurant on the first floor, at the top of the stairs, there is a row of wash basins for restaurant employees and tenants.   So, Lin Cheng responded: "Okay."   "Be careful not to fall or get your clothes wet." Lin Cheng warned.   "Okay." After getting Lin Cheng's agreement, Lin Momo went downstairs carrying the washbasin, towel, mouthwash cup and toothbrush.   When she came downstairs, Lin Momo washed up quickly.   After washing up, Lin Momo carried the basin and prepared to go back. When passing by the back kitchen of the restaurant, she happened to see the landlord preparing breakfast in the kitchen through the window.   Lin Momo could smell the smell of fermented glutinous rice balls and the sweet aroma of glutinous rice from a meter or two away from the kitchen window.   At this time, the landlord behind the screen window also noticed Lin Momo.   "Momo got up so early." The landlord smiled at Lin Momo and said.   Lin Momo nodded and asked the other party again: "Good morning, auntie, landlady."   "Good morning to you too." The landlord replied with a smile.   Just as Lin Momo was about to go upstairs, she was stopped by the landlord.   "You haven't had breakfast yet. I just cooked rice dumplings. Come over and have breakfast." The landlord invited Lin Momo.   Hearing the landlord's words, Lin Momo felt as if her stomach growled twice.   However, Lin Momo still shook her head and said to the landlord: "Thank you, auntie, landlord. No, I will be there in a moment..."   Before Lin Momo could finish her words, the landlord had already filled a bowl of small glutinous rice balls. He enthusiastically walked out from the small door next to the bowl of glutinous rice balls and put the bowl into Lin Momo's hand.   Outside the bowl, the landlord carefully placed a small towel to prevent Lin Momo from getting burned.   Holding the small glutinous rice balls, Lin Momo was a little at a loss.   "This is for you to eat, I..."   "You're welcome, I cooked a big pot." The landlord said with a smile.   Children themselves are easy to let go of, and Lin Momo is cute and polite. Although they don't have much contact with her, the landlord likes this child very much.   After that, the landlord took another spoon from the kitchen and added a poached egg to Lin Momo's bowl.   "Hurry up and eat at the table in front. There's no one in the store right now."  Lin Momo didn't expect that when she came down to wash up, she would end up with a bowl of rice dumplings. Facing the landlord's breakfast, she felt a little embarrassed.   Lin Momo felt that she couldn't eat other people's food for nothing. After thinking about it, she raised her head and said to the landlord: "Then let me help you clear the tables outside."   Seeing Lin Momo's expression of 'resolutely refusing to accept this breakfast unless she does something', the landlord was secretly amused, but he still nodded and said half-jokingly: "Okay, okay, then help me clean up the outside." Let’s go to the table, this bowl of glutinous rice balls can be regarded as the reward for your hard work.”   Hearing what the landlord said, Lin Momo took the small glutinous rice balls in her hand with confidence and said, "Okay."   After saying "thank you" to the landlord again, Lin Momo carefully carried the glutinous rice balls to the dining area of ​​the restaurant outside.   After placing the small glutinous rice balls on the table in the corner of the restaurant, Lin Momo took the broom and rag from the sanitary area behind and started cleaning.   After all, she had been a "little restaurant owner", so Lin Momo was very good at doing these tasks.   …   In the back kitchen, the landlord prepared breakfast for the clerk and free sweet soup for the guests at noon.   When the landlord came to the dining area again, he looked surprised at the scene outside.   ——She originally thought that cleaning was just a fun and casual thing for children of this age. Therefore, when Lin Momo said that she would help her clear the table, the landlord did not take it to heart. She did not expect that Lin Momo would He actually helped her clean up the dining area outside seriously.   In the store, there were seven or eight tables, all of which had been wiped down by Lin Momo with clean water and clean water. In the air, you could still smell a little bit of detergent that had not dissipated after cleaning.   The table was polished by Lin Momo, and the stools around the table were also wiped by Lin Momo, and placed neatly in a circle around the table.   At this time, Lin Momo was holding a stack of disposable tablecloths and stretched out her hands to spread them on the table.   After laying out the tablecloth, Lin Momo would carefully circle around the table. After confirming that each side was laid, she would take the 'Save Food' billboard, tissue box, and toothpick box and arrange them neatly. Get to the middle of the table.   "Okay, okay, Momo, thank you for your hard work. You don't have to do it anymore. Just let the brothers and sisters in the store do the rest for a while." Afraid of tiring the child, the landlord quickly went up and grabbed Lin Momo.   Seeing that Lin Momo's bowl of glutinous rice balls was still on the table next to her, the landlord came forward and led her to the table to sit down. He said with some distress: "Why didn't you eat first? Come over and eat breakfast first." .”   After Lin Momo was settled, the landlord looked back at the table that Lin Momo had packed, and then at Lin Momo.   ——Are you sure this is the child of a celebrity?   "Cleaner than our store clerks." The landlord muttered to himself again.   Because this is a film and television city, there are too many people coming and going. In addition to preparing meals for the crew every day, she and a few clerks also have to deal with the continuous flow of guests who come to eat. They are almost dizzy with work. Therefore, they only have to clear the table. She could barely clean it, but she really wasn't as careful as Lin Momo.   "Eat quickly, it will get cold if you don't eat for a while." The landlord said to Lin Momo again.   Lin Momo nodded, buried her head and began to eat breakfast quietly.   In Lin Momo's bowl, the landlord deliberately did not put sweet fermented rice in it, but added osmanthus honey in it, which was sweet, fragrant, glutinous and soft.   Lin Momo quickly finished a bowl of glutinous rice balls and said to the landlord: "Thank you."   "Aunt……"   "What's wrong?"   "Can you fill me with a little more, a little more." Lin Momo handed over her bowl and asked the landlord a little embarrassedly.   This was really delicious. Lin Momo wanted to bring a bowl to Lin Cheng.   "Of course it's no problem. There's a big pot in the kitchen. You can make as many as you want."   So, the landlord generously served Lin Momo another large bowl of glutinous rice balls.   After taking the bowl handed to her again, Lin Momo ran upstairs with a happy face.   "Dad, Dad!" Lin Momo returned to the room and called Lin Cheng several times.   "What?"   "Here, the little glutinous rice balls cooked by the landlady are super delicious. This is for you." Lin Momo happily served the glutinous rice balls to Lin Cheng.   After thinking about it, Lin Momo added and explained: "I helped the landlord clean up the table downstairs, so this is for labor."   After listening to Lin Momo's explanation, Lin Cheng roughly understood what was going on. He rubbed Lin Momo's head and said, "Thank you."   "You're welcome!"   "Dad, please eat it quickly, it's really delicious!"   Lin Momo and Lin Cheng both have sweet tastes, and their eating preferences are indeed very similar.   What Lin Momo thought was delicious, Lin Cheng also thought was delicious.   Halfway through eating, Lin Momo's chirping voice suddenly disappeared. Lin Cheng raised his eyes and saw Lin Momo pouting and looking at him with a troubled expression.   "What's wrong?" Lin Cheng asked.   "That, that's..." Lin Momo pointed to the bowl in front of Lin Cheng and whispered: "This bowl is the one I have eaten before."   Lin Momo didn't think too much about it at first. When she was down there, she was too embarrassed to ask the landlord to help her get another bowl, so she used her own bowl and asked the landlord to add more.   Lin Momo looked at Lin Cheng nervously, fearing that Lin Cheng would dislike it.   In the end, Lin Cheng just paused and continued to eat the remaining glutinous rice balls.   ——   Lin.   Watching this scene through the live broadcast, both Mr. Lin and Butler Zhou behind him had a fantasy look on their faces: Although Lin Cheng lived in the main house for only a handful of years, his mysophobia was already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.   did not expect……   "The eldest young master does not dislike the young lady at all." Butler Zhou said with a smile on his face.  Hearing this, Mr. Lin pursed his lips and said, "This is his daughter, how dare he dislike her!"   "By the way, breakfast is not ready in the kitchen yet, so I won't do anything else. Make me a bowl of fermented glutinous rice balls, and remember to add some osmanthus honey." Mr. Lin ordered.   Housekeeper Zhou wanted to remind the old man to eat less glutinous food, but when he saw Mr. Lin staring at the picture of Lin Cheng eating glutinous rice balls on the screen with a greedy look on his face, he had no choice but to nod his head and go to the kitchen to order a small amount of the same food for Mr. Lin. Small glutinous rice balls.   ——   Here, after breakfast, Lin Cheng was ready to go out.   Originally, Lin Cheng didn't plan to take Lin Momo out.   But when Lin Cheng turned his head, he saw that Lin Momo had put on a set of sportswear that was easy to move around, put on a sun hat, and carried a schoolbag. She was holding her crew guide in one hand and two dozen dozen in the other. Wearing a plastic fan from the 'XX Hospital' advertisement, there is also a kettle filled with water hanging around her waist...   Completely prepared and ready to go.   Seeing Lin Momo's appearance, Lin Cheng's words telling her to stay 'at home' rolled in his throat several times, but he still didn't have the heart to say them out.   Finally, Lin Cheng relaxed and said to Lin Momo: "The road in the film and television city is complicated and there are many people. Follow me closely and don't run around."   "Okay." Lin Momo nodded seriously.   "If anything happens during the process, or if you feel uncomfortable, please tell me immediately."   "Okay." Lin Momo nodded again.   Looking at the well-behaved Lin Momo, Lin Cheng finally sighed secretly and said, "Let's go."   "good!"

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