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Prehistoric: A Stable Life, Starting From the Journey To the West

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Пронеся самую сильную систему чтения через мир династии Тан и став ученым, который только что получил цзиньши, Чэнь Ци обнаружил, что династия Тан была немного странной.

Чемпион - Чен Гуанжуй, которого только что ударила гортензия дочь левого премьер-министра Инь Кайшаня, и он собирается контратаковать и жениться на Бай Фумэй.

Физик по имени Юань Шоучэн подошел к городским воротам. У него было по три гексаграммы в день, а больше всего ему нравился золотой карась.

Кроме того, он также слышал, что Вэй Чжэн, правый премьер-министр, может убивать призраков и богов во сне…

Чэнь Ци был в полной панике.

Как только вы говорите о стратегии уничтожения Будды, вы говорите мне, что это «Путешествие на Запад»?

Король Тан был недоволен, подавлен сотнями чиновников и передан в Академию Ханьлинь?

Ничего страшного, спрячьтесь в маленьком здании и станьте единым целым, кому не безразлична его зима и лето, и весна, и осень!

Шестьдесят лет спустя, когда Ли Тан вышел на занавес, императрица взошла на трон и попросила меня выйти из гор и заселить мир.

С тех пор небо вернется в небо, мир вернется в мир, а монахи на западе могут идти только на запад.

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:PSLSFJTW
Оригинальное название:洪荒:稳健人生,从西游开始
Положение дел:Ongoing
Автор:Meteor streaking through the clouds
Weekly Rank:#7380
Monthly Rank:#6783
All Time Rank:#6717
Теги:Ancient ChinaFanfiction, Male Protagonist,
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19 комментариев к “Prehistoric: A Stable Life, Starting From the Journey To the West
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  1. First half was good, after around 550-600 chapters mc completely forgets his wife and gets together with his cousin. The main kingdom building aspect which was fundamental to his daluo golden immortal fruit and his tao was completely forgotten which doesn’t make much sense given that the prosperity of the kingdom was related to the spread of his wen dao ideology. He abandoned his best friend the dragon king who is the national fortune beast and basically left him to die as he gets crushed by luck backlash over time. He somehow becomes physically weaker in the training ground when he is constantly exhausted and even needs to eat which he had long been able to stop doing which is mind boggling given his pseudo innate tao body. He forgot all about his alpha lamp and just left it in the kingdom for some reason. I dont get the idea of practicing “forbidden laws” given that he already merged all his skills into one and this would be counterproductive given he can imitate any method using his own 3000 laws.

  2. I'm specially weirded out that the original wife is just gone replaced by wu zetian like the hell?

  3. Hey its a 2 author story 1st half is pretty good The author change made most plots the 1st author made into trash and restart the story from half it feels like 2 prehistoric world meshed together only protagonist is the same

  4. Well, I was enjoying it. This was a reasonably unique kingdom building story up until chapter 600. The transition is far worse than I thought it was from the comments. I expected a plot transition or a trope that caused the change, but there is no story logic behind it. It took me a few chapters to stop being confused about what was going on. It is not the same story at all. Everything that was unique is ignored (previous wife being deleted is just the basics, his low-key character is gone. The kingdom that was the center of the plot was suddenly abandoned, literally (Poor brother dragon is totally screwed). It turns into a standard wuxia story. There's a tournament arc! It's like (and may have had) an author took over without reading the previous story. And it's an author that can only write wuxia tropes.

  5. Friends have some Yuri fanfic recommendations, no matter what fiction they are ☝️ ??

  6. Fanfic Saga of Tanya the Evil.

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