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Online Game: I Can Summon Infinitely

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Динь, ты убиваешь зеленую бабочку, получаешь навыки и вызываешь бесконечную зеленую бабочку!

Динь, эволюционирует зеленая бабочка, древняя бессмертная лунная бабочка!

Динь, ты убиваешь Королеву Демонов, получаешь навыки и вызываешь бесконечную Королеву Демонов!

"Э, не подходи сюда, приходи еще раз, мои почки не выдерживают".

Динь, ты уничтожил обычные луки и стрелы, получил навыки и призвал луки и стрелы!

Динь, эволюция лука и стрел, базука!

Динь, эволюция базуки, круглая зи-бомба!

Дин, ты уничтожил божественное оружие Чжусяньцзянь, получил навыки и призвал бесконечного Чжусяньцзяня!

Однажды игры сольются с реальностью.

Е Сюнь обнаружил, что вся галактика не может оторваться от его призыва!

«Непобедимый — это своего рода одиночество, я могу только… отправиться во вселенную!»

Динь, ты разрушил вселенную, получил навыки и призвал бесконечную вселенную!

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:OGICSI
Оригинальное название:网游:我能无限召唤
Положение дел:Dropped
Автор:Yamano little confused
Weekly Rank:#1620
Monthly Rank:#1196
All Time Rank:#1626
Теги:Accelerated Growth, Cheats, Clones, Discrimination, Dolls/Puppets, Game Element, Game Online, Nationalism, Overpowered Protagonist, Racism, Romance, Virtual Reality,
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63 комментариев к “Online Game: I Can Summon Infinitely
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  1. I’m confused from the start. The butterfly by itself deals 1 toxic damage ignoring defense/second. If you summon enough the skills superimpose to deal more damage. My confusion comes from the fact that it’s taking so long to kill the lynxes despite 200 butterflies dealing 36 absolute dmg/ second and the lynx only has 100 hp. Is this superimposition replacing the 1 dmg/butterfly/ second? If that’s the case than why not just summon like 10 butterflies so that they each deal their 1 point and you win the fight in 10 seconds ? Same with the cat. Even if each cat only did 1 point of damage (and they do more), he dropped 75 of them on the head of the lynxes along with the 200 butterflies. This fight should have been over in less than 3 seconds. Even if the lynxes were spread out, if he’s hunting them 9 at a time and there aren’t that many lynxes (we’ll say 20-30) the entire battle should take 30 seconds or less right? He replaces the cats as they’re killed and the lynxes didn’t even attack the butterflies. Also his unpredictable talent doesn’t have a cd nor does it have a time limit so why not just make himself invisible and keep himself in that state unless he’s talking with an npc?

  2. Nvm it turns out IM the idiot. The number of lynxes went from 1 to a small pack to over 100 so he could evolve his cats twice. I was wrong that the cats had originally done more than 1 damage but my argument was based on them doing one dmg anyways so it doesn’t change anything.

  3. Nvm I just can’t read apparently. I need friends. There’s at least 20 cats. Still doesn’t change the arguments about why it took so long to end the fight

  4. The thing that’s getting me is that I just hate the mc’s character already and I’m just looking for blame or something. The Mc is stupid af and just annoying. Here’s en example: He can’t choose a race. “Guess I’ll quit, this demon helmet’s probably just broken”. Gets hidden race Demon. “ Wow this helmet is so cool it even comes with a hidden race”. 2 seconds later. Can’t choose a profession. “This helmet must be broken I’ve got to return it and get a refund”. Gets hidden profession Destruction Summoner. “Oh damn this must be the hidden quest that comes with the supreme devils helmet so cool”. 2 minutes later lands in the novice village and sees his stats. “Wtf this profession is poisonous! This helmet is pitting me!”. Angrily kills a butterfly and unlocks the summon skill. “I even get unlimited summons this game is awesome “. Mans changes his mood like my ex on her period

  5. I don't fu see the "good" that ppl keep character development no background trash plot. The story has great potential but you don't need to make it infinite summons at all it became a generic shit. Ch 30 and here he is killing everyone do you know what that means? Trash and if anyone find the said thing good it seems like u have trashy taste. This isn't just poison its a ducking corruption

  6. Oh men! Because this chapter does not meet the review requirements, the author has been notified that it is urgently revised, please refresh and try again later.

  7. Recommendation for a fanfic novel about GOT or ASOIAF.. the title of the novel is 冰與火之魔山 or The Magic Mountain of Ice and Fire.. mc becomes gregor clegane or "the mountain" and fl is jeyne westerling.. ±1010chap and the novel has been completed. while novel tags: antihero, army building, arrogant character, gangster, kingdom building, loyal subordinates, Industrialization, modern knowledge, misunderstanding, villian and many others..thanks.. links: aspx?id=82975&page=2

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