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Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?

Cover Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?Cover Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?
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Некоторые люди превращаются в императоров, другие становятся вангье.

Они живут в роскоши; их руки покрывают Небеса.

Некоторые люди трансмигрируют в сидзунов или лидеров секты.

Они будут пользоваться всеобщим уважением, их силы сверхъестественны.

Некоторые несчастные души становятся злодеями, но даже с их ужасной репутацией у них все же будет достаточно силы, чтобы вызвать дождь с неба, возможно, даже убить главного героя.

Но Ли Чантянь, порядочный молодой человек из хорошей семьи, погибший на поле боя, защищая кого-то, расширил глаза.

Он! Перенесено!

В человека, которого все хотели убить, с непростительным преступлением!

Ли Чантянь: «??? Подожди, подожди, что-то где-то пошло не так?»

Магистр Имперского бюро юстиции Янь Шу, который ненавидел несправедливость больше всего на свете, только что шагнул ему на голову и сказал ледяным голосом: «Жизнь за жизнь».

Ли Чантянь: «&%%%¥&¥#@»

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Краткое название:ATWIP
Оригинальное название:都是穿越凭什么我是阶下囚
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:Yi Yi Yi Yi
Weekly Rank:#3112
Monthly Rank:#3110
All Time Rank:#7064
Теги:Adapted to Manhua, Ancient China, Caring Protagonist, Dense Protagonist, Devoted Love Interests, Enemies Become Allies, Enemies Become Lovers, Kind Love Interests, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Mystery Solving, Past Plays a Big Role, Past Trauma, Politics, Power Couple, Prison, Slow Romance, Torture, Tragic Past, Transmigration,
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14 голоса

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  1. The MTL is no good. Many paragraphs were not translated completely. This story is actually very good.

  2. ‏Hello, I hope you can help me find this novel its bl. I think I read it on Wattpad, but I don't remember.. Really a lot of events. Well, the novel is about a boy who died and was resurrected in an ancient world. When he opened his eyes, he was in a hut and there was one or two children and he is their older brother.the poor, then he searched for the memories of the body. He discovered that he had a fiancé, who is the butcher of the village. He was excited when he discovered that he was handsome and strong, and he was his favorite type. He discovered that this body did not love his fiancé, so he ignored him and did not ask for help when his father died When he found out about this, he decided to use it to start a conversation, so he shyly went to him and told him that he wanted some firewood, so he agreed and then ran away from him shyly, and the other man thought that a boy hated him, and when he saw his shyness, he knew that he loved him and did not hate him.. This is the last thing I remember really. I apologize if there were mistakes. I am using a translator, hope you can help me

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