Когда ревущие истребители Messmit устремились к порхающему дракону;
Когда танк Т-34 столкнулся с бронированным зверем;
Когда смелые и бесстрашные гренадеры подняли винтовки против магов;
Когда гигант Когда корабельный строй поднял орудие на береговую линию и взревел — мир изменился в руках Криса, прошедшего мимо.
Война между промышленными технологиями и магией в самом разгаре, давайте посмотрим, как Крис стремится к миру!
- Описание от MTLNovel
Краткое название | : | ME |
Оригинальное название | : | 我的帝国 |
Положение дел | : | Completed |
Автор | : | Dragon Spirit Knight |
Chapter Terbaru
~ Fairy, Monster (Fan Wai) 2021-10-19 12:05:46 Chapter 1695 Everything that is familiar, the eyes behind 2021-10-12 12:12:09 Chapter 1694 Cooperate with god 2021-10-11 12:09:45 ~ Nosy 2021-10-10 12:06:16 Chapter 1692 Exciting victory 2021-10-10 12:06:12
Все главы
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 750
Chapter 751 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1250
Chapter 1251 - 1500
Chapter 1501 - 1694
Отзывы (85)
85 голоса
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Hãy giúp tôi tìm 1 quyển tiểu thuyết có nội dung kể về 1 nhân vật xuyên không có thể sử dụng phép thuật nhưng hân chế, trong thời đại súng phải nạp lại từ đầu nòng và binh lính phải xếp hàng để bắn, rồi nhân vật chính phát triển từ một người lính trở thành một vị tướng
kenapa sekarang tidak ada bahasa indonesia
Terjemahan Indonesia nya hilang
I'll try other kingdom building novels though not enough side plots that stated how the MC industrialized his country, or some extras story how they live day by day. Anyway MC neglected armor but didn't forget military helmets? Against enemies with swords and arrows?? What's the use? He can atleast provide them with a semi armor that can protect against arrows! The soldiers are training to dig trenches? they don't even hide when shooting! they just stand in formation! And they're using bolt rifles not muskets!......
well later chapters would tell some side stories from other citizens life, thats a good start though. All that remains is the romance part. hopefully the princess of that other mortal empire would be a candidate...
I support LGBT+ but when the first person who came to him was an armored man, I hurriedly checked the tags. phew it's normal