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My Beast Master is Really Not An Evil God

Cover My Beast Master is Really Not An Evil GodCover My Beast Master is Really Not An Evil God
4.0 (29 отзывов)
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Лу Юй попал в странный мир, где наблюдают за зверями, где заглядывают злые боги и возрождаются древние табу из глубины веков.

В этом мире птицы, звери, горы, реки и даже стихии могут рождаться и духовно превращаться в домашних животных. Среди них сами могущественные являются экологическими нишами, излучающими экологические секреты, такие как тайное царство подземного мира, царство костей, логово суккубов и царство небесных деревьев, порождающее бесчисленное множество Иждивенцев.

Повелитель зверей заключает контракт со зверем, взращивает его и контролирует духовность.

После того, как Лу Юй стал свидетелем инцидента с [Запретным солнцем], он получил возможность извлекать материалы из всех вещей в мире и редактировать [Секретную еду].

Разработайте секретную еду с помощью [Сломанный сумеречный мир] + [Мертвое яйцо древнего дракона] = Последний банкет, после того, как королевский зверь съест его, он превратится в Последнего Бога-Дракона, сумеречное царство разрушает мир и становится Бог Судного дня.

Навык «Секретная пища» — это умение управлять зверями, чтобы грабить все сущее, становиться всезнающим и всемогущим, приносить в жертву тайную пищу, чтобы перехватывать запретное время, жертвовать древним существованием и хулить богов.

И его стиль рисования зверя тоже стал странным.

Есть мечта о переплетении всех живых существ, паучья тень, обвивающая паучьим шелком древнего дракона, и Багровый Лорд, загрязняющий мультивселенную, и есть Пожиратель Миров, питающийся миром…


В связи с этим он объяснил: «Мои повелители зверей просто немного странные, на самом деле они не злые боги!»

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:MBMRNAEG
Оригинальное название:我的御兽真不是邪神
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:dusk crow
Weekly Rank:#2488
Monthly Rank:#2717
All Time Rank:#3475
Теги:Beast Companions, Cheats, Cunning Protagonist, Evil Gods, Gods, Handsome Male Lead, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Monster Tamer, Mutated Creatures, Mythical Beasts, Transmigration,
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24 комментариев к “My Beast Master is Really Not An Evil God
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  1. Hello I am Back Again for Another Review...Well let's get right to it then...To Be Honest I Have mixed feelings about this novel...1. The Start of This novel is pretty Good...2. The Realm System Explained in this novel is also pretty good with clear cut realms and systems explained.3. The Interaction between pets and beast master is throughout the entire novel extremely good I love it...4. Pet Configuration is also very good along with that evil vibe It's nothing short of excellent.

  2. Apakah fungsi kunci/pintu kebenaran cuma bisa menghalangi, waktu merefleksikan sejarah doang? Gak bisakah menghalangi peramal juga?nanggung banget gak sih ,kalau cuma menghalangi refleksi sejarah doang?

  3. Final comment for now I removed the Harem tag, since MC well at this point is only involved with 1 girl relationship wise. I don't even think he acknowledges the other like 7(could be less, a few are in the gray). Feel free to add it back if you think it fits. I will mention he has actually done it with her twice now.

  4. Some other comments I had about the story will be listed here. MC is a money grubber for sure, but if he did have money he could literally just become OP as heck. I mean there is no real limit yet to his ability stacking on pets, like sure element alignment and redundant/trash abilities but besides that he could go to town. The comedy is alright for the most part, I personally find the hamster ones mediocre even the new ones. It is heavy on face-slapping but in a comedic or trickster way, not the cultivation young master serious life or death way. The internet comments that come up occasionally are not bad besides the mech arc, but that had a plot reason mentioned at the end. Tying in with that I am glad the MCs cameraman/ manager for the internet is his baboon bro and not a major aspect like in other novels in the genre. I say that as in 5 or so novels I have read in the beast taming genre always make internet presence important and therefore their media manager be important, when they aren't and it waters down the text.

  5. Some things I did not like is the MC donning the "Collector" identity for no reason like that entire sequence was cringe and skippable. It is also only used once. Tied in with that is MC getting the food cauldron, I was excited for when MC would rank it up and go find the rest of the parts, he still has not even mentioned doing that since maybe silver/gold. Which for me makes it worse as it was literally his plot armor/device a good 4 times minimum. If he did mention it again I did not see it but dude is like 3 ranks away from the highest human rank, and his spiritual "pool" is like 1000x others. I think it was copper >silver >gold >spirit transformation(not a real rank)> morning star> Huiyue/spiritual moon(MC is high level)>sun? or eternal giant> eco-master? >king. He also has so many pet slots available, but I doubt he is going to fill them up completely and if he does it will be like how the peacock was. It was mentioned that maybe using them for hero units in the pets army.

  6. Would also like to mention how much of a monster the author is in terms of outputting this novel. Like dude has been consistently dropping ~6k chapters when they are not even a full-time author. He also mentioned he sometimes has ~15k but deletes it so it would not seem watery, which I agree with to a degree. Water I would use for useless filler vs just being super detailed and passionate. His whole reason for speeding things up is results not doing good and well being a monster and probably burning himself out quite literally. Although when I check on qidian it is currently at rank #94 on monthly passes which I think is a good ranking.

  7. Why the f**k school flower fall in love with protagonist does not matter the situation and background 99.999% time

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