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Movie Savior

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Мы стоим у руля 2500-летнего странствования Земли;

Мы управляем мехами в мире, где вторгаются монстры;

Мы спасаем человечество в охваченном вирусами мире;

Воссоздаем чистую землю в городе, где зомби больны;

Мы нашли цивилизацию в дикой природе после того, как бушевали стихийные бедствия…

Над бескрайним океаном Чжан Тяньюань получил остров и с тех пор стал одним из игроков в игре лордов.

Он посмотрел на собственную базу, которая могла открыть портал в мир кино, и не мог не задуматься.

Если он сможет привести 7 миллиардов человек из «2012» и 3,5 миллиарда человек из «Блуждающей Земли», выиграет ли он игру?

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:MS
Оригинальное название:电影救世主
Положение дел:Dropped
Автор:Tenth Trumpet
Weekly Rank:#8487
Monthly Rank:#8676
All Time Rank:#6847
Теги:Abandoned Children, Based on a Movie, Game Elements, Male Protagonist, Nationalism, Racism, Survival, World Hopping, World Travel,
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23 комментариев к “Movie Savior
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  1. A futuros lectores y los que han comentado, sepan que los Comentarios que hablan de racismo en la novela por lo general son los que realmente son racistas, como uno que puso de ejemplo los capítulos 31-33, qué ya leí, y no existe tal racismo, si a Estados Unidos se pone en las obras chinas como un país de personas bélicasy codiciosas, es como si desconocieran su historia, sus bases navales, su sirvienta OTAN, y sus grandes negocios armamentistico para generar y mantener guerras

  2. Mc is transmigrated to a "GAME" in a lone island in the ocean and given some building like Clone Producer(damaged can't work due to a tsunami) a Wish Center(spend a point to create things) and given the ability to move through space-time to another world(movies world). The first movie is 2012 where the MC contacts the government and makes a deal with them and creates Parallel Time and Space Mutual Rescue. The second world is I AM A LEGEND where the MC with the Government of 2012 helps them in exchange for them allowing people from 2012 to migrate during their disaster. Of course, the world is always Chinese people and he doesn't care much about people from other countries. Low level of nationalism , good translation , nice writing - so it won't lower our IQ.

  3. Why is racism and nationalism increasing every day? More and more potentially good books are ruined with "yellow monkey", or racist fat bully white people, or stupid cruel black people, or cruel and evil Japanese. The list goes on. Can we all just stop with the racism?

  4. Well because if you make a novel with the background of the modern world which is the same as history, then everyone must be concerned with their own country and that is a natural thing in my opinion.

  5. Writing novel maybe not only hobby for author maybe for money too, if you making other country so much good than their country will he got reader there?

  6. It can never stop because ether we like it or not we are not the same and we will never be the same maybe if we get invaded by aliens and the entire human population was at risk can we what am I saying it will still not change go to your history books and you will know why this is the world we live in and it dose not revolve along whatbanyone believe it is what it is

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