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Missy, She Always Does Not Seek To Make Progress

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«Так называемый меридиан Тайсу — это метод физиогномики, с помощью которого можно наблюдать за знатными и бедными, предсказывать хорошее и плохое и рассчитывать удачу и неудачу. Люди добрые, осмелитесь дать меридиану поддержку? Одна вена стоит целое состояние! ”

Видишь, как легко зарабатывать деньги, можешь ли ты жить?


В двух жизнях идеал Цинь Люси - всегда ковыряться, в конце концов, в мире всегда есть люди, которые готовы быть соленой рыбой и не стремятся добиться прогресса, и позволяют ей заниматься такими расточительными вещами!< /p>

Но когда вся семья предстала перед ними в отчаянии, соленые рыбные дни Цинь Люси также исчезли.

Столкнувшись с ненадежной семьей Цинь, которая вот-вот должна была разрушиться, и горничной, умоляющей о делах с пустой копилкой, у Цинь Люси не было другого выбора, кроме как взять на себя тяжелую ответственность старшей женщины, управлять домом, воспитывать старших, и растить ребенка!

Цинь Люси: Очевидно, я взял сценарий Сяньюй, который тайно изменил его для меня?

Двоюродный брат, который так подозрительно относился к ее жизни со стороны старшей сестры: я чувствую, что старшая сестра смотрит на нас так, как будто мы в беде!

Третий сын Циня, которого избила старшая женщина, чтобы научить его быть мужчиной: Будь смелым и избавься от чувства!

Цинь Сяову, которого старшая сестра довела до аутизма: Старшая сестра моя, дорогая, никто не может ее отнять!

Позже кто-то спросил Цинь Люси, сможет ли он начать свою жизнь заново, о чем он мечтает?

Цинь Люси долго молчал: если вы не хотите добиться прогресса, это займет сто лет!

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:MSADNSTMP
Оригинальное название:大小姐她总是不求上进
Положение дел:Ongoing
Автор:Yan Xiaomo
Weekly Rank:#1581
Monthly Rank:#1707
All Time Rank:#2987
Теги:Ancient China, Female Protagonist, Ghosts, Transmigration,
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16 комментариев к “Missy, She Always Does Not Seek To Make Progress
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  1. why have the "next and prev" buttons disappeared on this story I checked another and they were still there is it just this story or just me? I have to keep going to chapters to move through the pages

  2. Min, boleh di cek? Kok tetiba tombol sebelum n sesudah chapter nya hilang, cuma ada daftar isi di tengah aja Tapi cuma di novel ini saja Terimakasih

  3. As usual the description of the novel says nothing about what's actually going on in the novel. So what's the novel about? The story takes places in ancient China, where our MC is reincarnated into the Qin family. At 5 years old she was sent to country side due to poor health/fate, where she joins a taoist temple. The story starts 10 years later, when a tragedy hits the Qin family, where all the males above 12 get exiled, leaving only women of the family with no money to fend for themselves. Its up to the MC to return due to cause and effect / fate. Now having read many similar themed novels, I first thought it's gonna be run of the mill reincarnated op mc, who for unknown reason decided to follow the social norms and rules, only dishing out minor face slaps when any harm is dealt to her, even with massive op powers. THANK GOD finally its not the case. The strongest point of this novel, atleast for me, was the MC. Tough outside, but soft inside, even though many do not believe that due to her poisonous tounge. She is not afraid to say out the truth outright, which does not sit well with many people. Yet due to her opness, there is nothing they can do to her. She will not take anyones sh*t and noone can make her do something she does not want to do. Her will is made of iron, and noone can make a splash in it. It is also her poisonous tounge and shamelessness that cause many hilarious moments. So with that kind of personality, she instantly will show her dominance in the family, while solving life threatening situation the moment she gets there. It is also then she realised that unlike she imagined, she can't lay down and enjoy riches of the noble family, cause it does not exist. So she still has to keep earning money like, but now besides earning money for the temple, also for the family. Luckily as a reincarnated person, even tho she doesn't have the memories, everything related to the taoism and medicine is second nature to her, causing her to be one, if not the strongest one in the world in these fields. So like before, she will go around helping those who are destined/worthy, for a hefty fee of course. Those encounters are like 90% what the novel is about, the Qin family is just a side dish more often than not. Over time the novel might get stale a bit, as the encounters follow the same theme. Either its some disease the mc cures, a ghost that has been wronged that the mc help, or evil cultivator doing gruesome deeds. Rinse and repeat. But then again it's fun seeing the interactions ppl have with mc, slowly see the family realise how op the MC really is, and very very slowly get some tidbits about who the MC was.

  4. Does it have romance? Like the genre says??? I just got to the 100s in chapters, so i was curious. 🤔

  5. ◌ ⚝ ◌ ◌ ◌ ✩ ⋆ ‧₊ *:・゚彡 ◌ ☽︎ ◌ ◌ ✩彡 ・゚ *: ⋆ ◌ ◌ ✩ ◌ ⚝ ♡ (\_(\ /)_/) ( ) ( ) ૮/ʚɞ |ა ૮| ʚɞ\ა ( ◌ | | ◌ )sc

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