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Jagged Germany

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Сила — это правда!

Железнокровный премьер-министр Бисмарк однажды сказал: «Для решения крупных современных проблем мы не можем полагаться на речи и парламентские резолюции… мы должны полагаться на железо и кровь».

Цинь Тянь, военный энтузиаст, переродился пятым сыном Вильгельма II, принцем Оскаром. Изначально он просто хотел есть и ждать смерти, но случайно стал наследником империи.

Ради собственной жизни Цинь Тянь должен был сделать все возможное, чтобы Германия выиграла войну!

Цель Цинь Тяня: «Используйте немецкий меч, чтобы получить землю для немецкого плуга, добыть хлеб насущный для немецкого народа и сражаться за землю под солнцем для немецкого народа!»

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:JG
Оригинальное название:铁血德意志
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:tearful fish wyj
Weekly Rank:#883
Monthly Rank:#186
All Time Rank:#193
Теги:Army Building, Businessmen, European Ambience, Fan-fiction, Firearms, Historical, Industrialization, Kingdom Building, Loyal Subordinates, Male Protaganist, Military, Modern Knowledge, Nobles, Politics, Rebirth, Schemes And Conspiracies, Technological Gap, War, Wars, WW2,
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69 комментариев к “Jagged Germany
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  1. I think japan is better at writing reincarnation stories, at least their MC wasn't a country dog ​​before they reincarnated, for example the novel saga of Tanya the evil

  2. Lolz, there is still lot of shit good historical isekai by Chinese author compared to Japanese isekai. Youjo senki is very good but it just one out of hundreds trash and even more. It's damn fantasy with super loli OP. Even their novel is more ridiculous than youjo senki manga/anime. Which involves gods existence whatsover bullshyt. So pack up and don't used trash japanese novel here 😂 also if u said japan better write isekai, that I'm confident that you are nerd who loved Beta virgin MC loser in rl get isekai become sudden OP and gather his female loli harem. Fck yeah that's the isekai story from Japanese that you are talking about.

  3. story had good beginning but after start of WW2, it was all about battle report and tactic with focus on japan and at the end 6 nuclear bomb, Really! I think after end of WW1 there is nothing new in story that you haven't read in previous part.

  4. "Qin Tian knew what they meant, and it was nothing more than this kind of large-scale killing of civilians, which would bring about bad effects. However, Qin Tian didn't care. In other words, in his mind, he never regarded the islanders as human beings at all."chap741

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