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It Turns Out I am a Dao Ancestor

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Сунь Хао отправился в мир взращивания бессмертных. Не имея возможности совершенствоваться, он занимается гуцинем, шахматами, каллиграфией, поэзией, вином и цветочным чаем — все это находится в высшем царстве.

Он не знал: питомцем на его ферме был Бог Девяти Небес Луан. Лотос в пруду — несравненный демон. Страж за дверью — правитель Громовых Скорбей.

Позже он обнаружил: фехтовальщик, поднявший свой сломанный топорик, стал несравненным поколением фехтовальщиков; ученый, который часто слушал его пение, стал родоначальником буддизма; девушка, которая пришла учиться играть с ним на гуцине, стала верховным кланом демонов. …

Сунь Хао сидел на троне Небесного Императора с потрясенным выражением лица: Я предок Дао? Я принимаю небо и землю за диск и всех существ за своих сыновей и создаю шокирующую ситуацию? Я не знаю как?

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Краткое название:ITOIDA
Оригинальное название:原来我是道祖
Положение дел:Completed
Weekly Rank:#1928
Monthly Rank:#1422
All Time Rank:#601
Теги:Absent Parents, Ancient China, Beautiful Female Lead, Buddhism, Cooking, Dragons, Elves, Farming, Godly Powers, Gods, Handsome Male Lead, Harem, Hidden Abilities, Immortals, Jack of All Trades, Male Protagonist, Master-Servant Relationship, Naive Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Phoenixes, Power Couple, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Slow Romance, Strong from the Start, Strong to Stronger, System,
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88 голоса

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101 комментариев к “It Turns Out I am a Dao Ancestor
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  1. Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot=,,,,,,,,,,,It Turns Out I am a Dao Ancestor

  2. I read "I'm actually a cultivation Bigshot" and it's nothing like this. Cultivation Bigshot is 100 times better than this.

  3. It was a fun read at first, but 300 chapters and you'll get sick of this. He supposedly strengthened everyone but it turns out that every single fight the MC has to go save everyone and at the last moment at that. So what's the point? Everyone gets saved and then strengthened but next are about to be killed, then get saved and strengthened again and the circle keeps repeating nonstop. And most importantly, he's not even op, he seems to be op just because for whole 400 chapters the antagonists are just weak AF, when it comes to real big bosses he can't hold a candle. And be prepared to read "like a kite with a broken string" "one thought ends here" "what's your identity" ten times per chapter

  4. 10 chapters in and i'm already getting annoyed is it common for people to assume and make up situations in their head without asking questions? if he simply asked what happened he would know he was the one who saved her hate this type of nonsense but according to description this changes.... better be soon

  5. just makes me feel like MC is frigin stupid... it doesn't matter how plain his eyes are is he incapable of seeing his surroundings? 50+ chapters and all i see is nonsense and random coincidences so the MC can't actively do anything

  6. It is a nice story... I admire the writer of this story... Thank you for making my life happy because of this story.... it full of excitement, surprises, the romance is great and many more.. I am waiting for the second season...

  7. With my personal opinion, i make these ranking 1. Master xiu please flop : i make it number one because there are no harem, 2. Turn out i am great cultivator 3. It turn out i am dao ancestor

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