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Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

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Прошло пять тысяч лет, конец закона исчерпан, и волшебная волна вернулась.

Мифы возродились, старые владыки вернулись, а мир разрушен.

Гарри Поттер, Легенда ночи, Артефакт Святого Грааля, Сумеречный город, Расхитительница гробниц, Храмовая династия…

В бурных волнах тьмы плывет и тонет корабль цивилизации.

Я хотел бы высоко держать флаг, маршировать торжественно и контролировать тьму.

Это история о командире, бывшем старшем сансаре, поднимающемся в темной вселенной.

- Описание от Qidian


Краткое название:ISS
Оригинальное название:无限之至尊巫师
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:No Realm
Weekly Rank:#5147
Monthly Rank:#6718
All Time Rank:#5309
Теги:Elemental Magic, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Harry Potter, Wizards,
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21 vote(s)

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14 комментариев к “Infinite Supreme Sorcerer
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  1. It's so confusing. It seems MC is a magical genius, but he's dying, being humiliated and suffering. But it's all his own design and part of his plan to rise up. As for what this plan is? No clue whatsoever. He seems to be biased towards army building rather than personal strength. He seems to be some kind of a reincarnator. Which is more confusing. So can anyone tell me what's going on with this novel. I can't even decide if it's good or bad, because I can't understand what's going on.

  2. I...I'm speechless to these fucking trashing shit...U know that most of Chinese translated is somewhat Alien if U read it right...but this fucking shit is an alien I can't even know what the fuck is really happen it go from the past experience then fucking it's so rumbble .

  3. =_= If only the author didn't directly bastardize Hogwarts contexts literally. Interesting? Yes, it is. Just not caucasians cultural concept of interesting.

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