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I Know This God

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Иноземные расы вторглись, и цивилизация пала.

Это эпоха мифологического возрождения, и со временем все в старом мире было забыто.

Статуи падших ангелов, богинь войны и богов солнца рождались одна за другой. Люди обретают силу богов через веру, чтобы пробудить в себе таланты к совершенствованию и перейти на путь сильных.

Первый, кто назовет настоящее имя бога, может получить все наследство бога!

Однако миновали миллионы лет восточной истории, и мифологическое наследие оборвалось. Даже если бог рождается, никто не может узнать и унаследовать его.

Мифологическая система в разных местах восстановилась, но Китай давно не оклеветали, и Китай в опасности.

В день пробуждения Чжан Чуи, который путешествовал, посмотрел на статую Цзинь Цзя Лянтана перед собой в золотой короне и успокоился: «Боже мой, разве это не Король обезьян!»

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:IKTG
Оригинальное название:这个神明我认识
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:I am tiger
Weekly Rank:#7522
Monthly Rank:#9379
All Time Rank:#6751
Теги:Male Protagonist,
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27 голоса

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33 комментариев к “I Know This God
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  1. Umm... anyone here know a nuclear apocalypse/wasteland novel??....If so please tell me what is the name..umm if you don't understand what type of novel is it it's like this novel:从避难所到末日霸主....oh yeah pls only recommend mc with system or have a golden finger.... Thank you

  2. What’s funny about this novel is, the Greek and Roman gods aren’t even western gods and yet they’re called western gods 😂 also archangels aren’t gods either so technically only god and Jesus should have a statue and their powers don’t only have to do with light. God has used water, fire, lightning, earth, and many other abilities so technically they should be omnipotent

  3. Erm in relation to china Greece and Rome are in the west and in relation to mythology the Olympian and Romen pantheon are are mythological Gods so they are considered western gods although they are not all the mythological pantheons to appear in the west I just thought that your opening statement was extremely wrong and if you believe that Jehovah the lord almighty is a Western God you would again be extremely extremely extremely wrong because he first manifested in Ur of the Chaldeans in mesopotamia he was then led to Hebron near the Canaan all in all God if we go by the bible and the Torah God is from the middle east and lastly yes angles aren't gods neither are saint's but the Catholics still pray to Mary mother of Christ and have image's of saints as protectors now I'm not saying they believe that the saints are gods but let's be honest with ourselves the way they do what they do makes it seem that way and lastly this is just a story

  4. Wrong brother nothing is omnipotent not even god....Can god make themselves stronger whatever they want?? No they need some thing like a faith to become stronger... Do god know everything? No they didn't give you an example...can you amagine an existance out side the universe? (only if there is) can you imagine what is the nothingness or emptiness? I bet the only thing you can imagine would be a void/black place..So you see a god like us a limited by laws...they can't create/do a thing out of nothing.....what mean is if the god or higher existance just standstill without doing anything, Even thinking they can't impluence anything if they can it must be there power or like so the their power are sealed....ok that it I'm going to read novel and won't waste time talking to you..

  5. This show how TRULY RACIST CHINESE PEOPLE IN CHINA compare to other country.... Even the CN AUTHOR themselves prove they CN more racist! After all it CN author write this racist book

  6. this is a ridiculous story, I read 98 chapters, saw new characters appear, not students, instead they were brought to look for statues and as a result, only on enemy equipment the character development seemed bad, especially the female character was too bad

  7. When I first read mythological genes I was quite naive and didn't understand the balant racism in it. Now when I remember it I get chill down my spine.

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