Я ничего не могу поделать, я чувствую себя волшебным мечом, я не могу быть эмоциональным! Мое единственное хобби - убивать людей, которые меня подрезают, хотят быть моим стариком, а я не могу помыть руки перед туалетом!
- Описание от Novelupdates
Краткое название | : | IAMS |
Оригинальное название | : | 我是一把魔剑 |
Положение дел | : | Dropped |
Автор | : | Worry-Free Dance |
Chapter Terbaru
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Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 750
Chapter 751 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1076
Отзывы (42)
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Solo hasta el capitulo 300 aproximadamente esta buena la novela, hasta la muerte de 17, despues 300 es pura mierda repetitiva, y la espada mc se vuelve amable y sentimental recordando a los portadores de la espada, una mierda de mc malvado u77ujj
Solo hasta el capitulo 300 aproximadamente esta buena la novela, hasta la muerte de 17, despues 300 es pura mierda repetitiva, y la espada mc se vuelve amable y sentimental recordando a los portadores de la espada, una mierda de mc malvado
He becomes a bit sentimenal but he still does the same exact shit he did before without remorse, he always has the power to save the swordmaster but never does it and that proves it
Chapter 676 677 why did the author make him start caring about her and former swrodmasters,and that his cold and ruthless nature is act, i dont believe it cause when he upgraded with zhou liue to ant artifact, he had a heqrt demon test with former swrodmasters and he won with flying colors easily.
Sad Hiatus :(
I’m pretty sure it’s dropped
Well, the novel was quite entertaining at first but after a few hundred chapters, it got boring and repetitive for me. There aren't much new content or interesting stuff happening.