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Here Comes The Lady Chef

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Это история об обжоре и придворном во втором поколении.

Когда ее сердце было пронзено десятью тысячами стрел, Вэнь Роу внезапно вернулась в то время, когда она была намного моложе.

Ее взмахом кастрюль и сковородок создаются самые изысканные блюда.

Расступитесь, расступитесь, шеф-повар здесь!

Вэнь Шоужэнь: «Роу Эр, выбор за тобой! ”

Шэнь Яошань, «Выбери меня, выбери меня!»

Жэнь Юэ: «Уходи, я ее очаровательный принц, а не ты!»

Вэнь Роу нажал на лицо: «Айё, ~(@^_^@)~»

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Краткое название:HCTLC
Оригинальное название:厨娘来啦
Положение дел:Completed
Weekly Rank:#10651
Monthly Rank:#9094
All Time Rank:#7868
Теги:Beautiful Female Lead, Chefs, Cooking, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Previous Life Talent, Reincarnation, Revenge, Second Chance,
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4 комментариев к “Here Comes The Lady Chef
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  1. Do you know a novel wherein the main character transmigrated to a bookworm/genius but something like with the autistic daughter of a wealthy family? She has a younger sister who is also like her – with autism (which the fl and her mother thought to be adopted but instead the real daughter of her mother) and a younger brother (an illegitimate son, wherein the maid, who is a friend of the fl mother, tricked the fl father and slept with him, then gave birth to a son, but the maid died. The fl father and grandfather kept it a secret, but the fl and eventually her mother found out.) The fl knows that she wore a book when she was sent outside the country, and the heroine, I think, is her cousin or (I don’t quite remember). Then, she came back to prevent the tragic ending of her family and to inherit and manage their family business (but first, she had to prove herself to her grandfather). When she first came to the country, she met the ml (illegitimate brother of her fiancé) who was riding a car. She knocked on the car window and the ml's and gave a money or check, but the ml was arrogant and drove away. Afterwards, she met her fiancé, who is gentle on the outside but ruthless on the inside. He is in charge of their family business. She began to consider their marriage, and they dated a few times, but due to several encounters with ml (the ml fell in love first and tried to get close to the fl brother and sister) and finding out that her fiancé tried to trick her to bankrupt or swallow the fl family business, she broke the marriage contract with her fiancé. BTW, the ml character is an aggressive, rebellious son. However, his past made him like that as his mother tragically died because of the ml father. This is a slow romance, and more on the flow of managing business. The FL family and her fiancé's family are well-known business families that have been passed down from generation to generation. 

  2. Aku lgi di chapter 180-an , dan perbuatan chef zhang yang manipulasi kompetisi masak sampek fang dashi sama ayah wen terluka kok gak di bahas sih??? Dia gak ketahuan gitu sebagai pelaku ??? Terus dapet ganjaran kek,,, eh ini malah gak dikasih solusi dan lanjut gitu aja... dan dia selamet sampek jafi chef utama pengganti... enak banget??? Apalgi klo dia gak ganti,in udh ada tawaran dari resto sebelah ... sebel aku😠😡😤😤😡😠🤬😠😡😤😈👿

  3. it is really good?? i want to read but afraid know(-_-;)・・・so what do you think about this novel??

  4. I'm around chapter 186 and what i want to ask is ... how about what chef Zhang do to them??? He really do cheat for the cooking competition,,,, hurt people,,, but just let him go like this??? 😠😡😠😡😠😡😤😤😤

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