Му Чжили, третья дочь семьи Му с Континента Бездонного Неба, имела известное происхождение, но была известна своей уродливой внешностью и никчемностью.
Когда она умерла, в ее теле переродился медицинский гений, она стала способна лечить все болезни серебряными иглами.
Однако ее семья отравила ее и помешала ее большому потенциалу. Если никто другой не собирался ей помогать, она делала это сама. Ее правилом было оставаться скромным. Ее хобби было притвориться свиньей, а потом съесть тигра.
В презрительном и злом мире она вернется как король и покажет свою силу. Континент Бездонного Неба, давайте посмотрим на ту, кто был настолько талантлив в медицине, что люди называют ее богиней!
- Описание от Novelupdates
Краткое название | : | GTD |
Оригинальное название | : | 医手遮天 |
Положение дел | : | Completed |
Автор | : | 慕璎珞 |
Chapter Terbaru
Chapter 1385 Finale (32) 2020-08-28 04:45:36 Chapter 1384 Finale (31) 2020-08-28 04:45:35 Chapter 1383 Finale (30) 2020-08-28 04:45:34 Chapter 1382 Finale (29) 2020-08-28 04:45:31 Chapter 1381 Finale (28) 2020-08-28 04:45:28
Все главы
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 750
Chapter 751 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1250
Chapter 1251 - 1384
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Actually this one has a very interesting idea, so far it's different from so many i have read, the lacking part is the ending too abrupt too rushed
What a stupid FL. She healed her enemy. My goodness.
sigh. I like this novel but it deals heavily in that strange cnovel sensibility that beautiful women cannot be friends, but will automatically be jealous and antagonistic towards each other for no other reason. Here are a couple of choice quotes from the novel "[Generally, beautiful women instinctively refused to approach when they saw women more beautiful than themselves]" & "[There is no contradiction between Su Ziyi and Mu Zhili, but there is still jealousy between women.]"
I like this female lead for the most part, but it is sentiments like this "[Seeing all this, Mu Zhili didn't have the slightest fluctuation on her face. I don't know how many such things are happening every day in this world. She really doesn't have that extra sympathy]" expressed by female leads when encountering women being viscously beaten/raped/enslaved/eaten by cannibals that always leaves a bad aftertaste in your mouth when you read cnovels.
if anyone can like the female lead after chapter #187 ...
I won't give this a "nationalism" tag BUT there is a heavy sentiment of "western" medicine is vastly inferior to chinese medicine and by the way western medicine was actually invented thousands of years ago by the chinese but was discarded because chinese medicine is better.
I just started reading this and theres a question that i wanna get some answer, she tranmigrated to diff. Place. But will she be able to go back to her family in modern world.? After all I can see that her family in modern world love and treasure her.