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Full-time Artist

4.7 (237 отзывов)
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"Музыка, кино, живопись, каллиграфия, скульптура, литература..."

"Ты все знаешь?"

"Знать немного".

"Есть смысл?"

"Ну, это означает миллиард баллов".

С помощью системы, опираясь на искусство, чтобы завоевать мир и стать некоронованным королем, которому поклоняются люди из всех слоев общества.

- Описание от MTL


Краткое название:FTA
Оригинальное название:全职艺术家
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:Wo Zui Bai
Weekly Rank:#38
Monthly Rank:#45
All Time Rank:#44
Теги:Acting, Apathetic Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Celebrities, Entertainment, Handsome Male Lead, Hiding True Identity, Living Alone, Loner Protagonist, Low-key Protagonist, Lucky Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Movies, Multiple Identities, Music, Parallel Worlds, Showbiz, Singers, System, System Administrator, Teachers, Time Skip, Writers,
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240 комментариев к “Full-time Artist
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  1. Is it just me but I think I remember a chapter that describes what the 4 pseudonyms are like between chap 1100

  2. Apakah ada rekomendasi novel tanpa romansa dan tanpa harem, protagonis tenang dan tidak mudah terpengaruh, kemudian protagonis hanya peduli pada dirinya sendiri.(Lebih baik jika protagonis adalah anak keluarga kaya atau tidak punya keluarga)

  3. Is there a recommendation for a novel without romance and without a harem, the protagonist is calm, has ambition and is not easily influenced, then the protagonist only cares about himself. (It's better if the protagonist Come from a rich family or have no family)

  4. 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 +𝟏𝟖 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 :

  5. This summery is for a man MC? Isn’t that suppose to be female requirements in China?

  6. Well written book, alot of elements the Chinese novels are known to be bad for are up to an reasonable level such as time management, system fading in to nonexistence as early as a quarter of the book only regret is that I didn't get to read about the other art categories but it can't be helped I gues otherwise it ran the risk of the novel being to bloated, love it and recommend it

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