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Flooded Star Road

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В доисторические времена

Фэн Цзычэнь не является врожденным богом или дьяволом,

Это не врожденные существа,

Он стал самым слабым существом в доисторическую эпоху.

В этом мире, где его судьба определяется его рождением,

Фэн Цзычэнь в духе человека, покоряющего небо,

Создайте свой собственный миф шаг за шагом.

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:FSR
Оригинальное название:洪荒星辰道
Положение дел:Hiatus
Автор:Dreaming slacker
Weekly Rank:#6228
Monthly Rank:#6278
All Time Rank:#5344
Теги:Male Protagonist,
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13 голоса

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13 комментариев к “Flooded Star Road
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  1. A good book,wish it had been a bit longer. Anyway my only problem was the chapter, arrangement real annoying

  2. Hey, @MTLNovel could you please sort out the chapters a bit, it will make it easier to read, and I would appreciate it greatly.

  3. Yeah, turn out the chapter's order are so mess up. There are many repetitive upload chapters to the point I'm too lazy to continue to read.

  4. well just the first chapter of this novel I already know that this is another : CRAPYLY WRITTEN NOVEL and Only waste my precious TIME.

  5. A good novel about ancient china myth that wasn't just to glorify china in vain, otherwise I'll already abandoned it at first sight. Other novel with similar to this that I like is "The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe" (has little more than 400 chapters). What made me worried is this novel had more than 4k chapters, not only I don't have so much free time to read this many chapters, I also worried that the story is full of repetitive plot and going downhill.

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