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Death Progress Bar

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Ши Джин однажды прочитал книгу. Предполагалось, что речь пойдет об удовлетворении жажды мести.

Главный герой, которого также звали Ши Цзинь, был шестым сыном своего отца, похожего на героя гаремного романа. Все было хорошо, пока его отец был жив. Но после его смерти пять старших сводных братьев Ши Цзиня мучили его, что в конечном итоге привело к его смерти. Главный герой переродился, полон решимости отомстить, и… роман был прекращен.

В тот день Ши Цзинь чуть не сплюнул кровь и уронил книгу в измельчитель. На следующий день он погиб в автокатастрофе. Каким-то образом, когда он пришел в себя, он превратился в подростка, юношу, которого также звали Ши Джин.

Была только одна проблема. Его отец только что умер. Его старшие братья собирались мучить его…

Ши Джин: Давайте устраним ненависть моих братьев, моя цель — сохранить свою жизнь!

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Краткое название:Survival Progress Bar
Оригинальное название:生存进度条[穿书]
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:Can’t Play Chess
Weekly Rank:#5066
Monthly Rank:#4863
All Time Rank:#5481
Теги:Brotherhood, Caring Protagonist, Cheats, Complex Family Relationships, Couple Growth, Dense Protagonist, Determined Protagonist, Devoted Love Interests, Disabilities, Dreams, Fat to Fit, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Heartwarming, Honest Protagonist, Incest, Investigations, Kidnappings, Loyal Subordinates, Lucky Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Mob Protagonist, Modern Day, Organized Crime, Power Couple, Pragmatic Protagonist, Schemes And Conspiracies, Siblings, Sickly Characters, System Administrator, Tragic Past, Transmigration,
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7 комментариев к “Death Progress Bar
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  1. Nvm xD Plot is well-paced and switches around between MC's task and ML's plot. Plus MC's plot isn't as simple as it seems from the synopsis. I won't spoil it but it's creative. Also just a warning but as the progress bar nears zero I cried almost nonstop. It's not a tragedy and definitely a super cute HE but the author ripped my heart out only to heal it back again. ML's plot is actually more action-based and intrigue or politics since he's part of the triad. MC's task tends to be more emotionally involved, especially later on when he gets more invested. The author switches between the two plot lines so I never got bored or tired of the plot. The relationship between the MC and ML is super cute. Even before they got together, MC was trying to raise ML's health so he's a complete mother hen over him. After they got together they were even cuter. Also unlike a lot of other novels, ML actually respect MC and his wishes. For example, MC wants to be a policeman even though he's basically part of the triad under ML. ML still helps him to study and apply for a police school. Plus, when the triad had an operation with the government (against another triad) ML tried his best to give MC a mission suitable for him even though he worries. Both MC and ML have rich character development. Both of them felt very realistic but not in a depressing way. They have their ugly parts but they both work to overcome that and be a better person because it's what makes them happier as people too. The progress bar actually involves a lot of character development on MC's part, as he works to clear it. Spoiler For ML, it's more subtle but he went from lowkey suicidal and depressed, to determined to live. I saw the other reviews and don't worry, ML doesn't stay cold-hearted for long! He's cold because he's a paranoid triad boss and MC is suspicious AF lol. Eventually I forgot he was even like that once because he's such a warm gentleman. I also remember him being hilariously s*upid at the beginning of the story, to I think. MC does stop making up embarrassingly s*upid excuses once ML accepted his fate of being mother-henned and stopped questioning him. It might be off-putting. I do remember getting 200% secondhand embarrassment from MC. The brothers also get character development and I loved all of them. The triad members arent as well developed but they're also super sweet once MC gets to know them better and they are very loyal to ML. These fellas are like a psycho harem xD just kidding. The author's writing is humorous too. The beginning is the funniest, but it never lost that humour even until the end. There were even times I would cry a lot and then laugh and then cry again.... Dang it system kun why TT

  2. Esta es una novela que amo con locura, progresión de la trama excelente y más los giros diría que es sorprendente, el crecimiento de personajes la guinda del pastel. Es totalmente recomendable, es demasiado buena y al ver quien es el autor de nota que es muy buena en la creación de historias, y se nota como a ido creciendo el autor en la escritura.

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