Ходя по небесам и мирам, я не я, я все еще я. Выросшие в разных мирах, единственным духовным домом является основной мир. Главный мир - якорь небес и миров, найди дорогу домой, найди себя.
- Описание от MTLNovel
Краткое название | : | DSW |
Оригинальное название | : | 诸天世界暗行者 |
Положение дел | : | Completed |
Автор | : | Shake-wish |
Genre | : | |
Weekly Rank | : | #7218 |
Monthly Rank | : | #9385 |
All Time Rank | : | #9639 |
Теги | : | Drama, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Poor to Rich, Showbiz, World Hopping, Посмотреть историю изменений |
Chapter Terbaru
Chapter 529 Dream shines into reality 2021-12-12 01:24:14 Chapter 528 The new private world 2021-12-12 01:24:13 Chapter 527 Transformation 2021-12-12 01:24:10 Chapter 526 collapse 2021-12-12 01:24:09 Chapter 525 Repel 2021-12-12 01:24:07
Все главы
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 535
Отзывы (5)
5 голоса
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I'm disappointed ngl fr tbh istg
lmao, i spend 30 second to realize what your short words mean :>
fr fr tbh smh wtf
Slave to system?
How do you recommend novels here?
Damn can't you read that fvking yellow box notice board upside.
You first look at his nickname, and then get angry 😅
lol, i join discord for week , clicked in every chat box and still didnt know where to Recommend novels...
This Is a "Infinity World Hopping" novel....Mc has An Auxiliary System which help him travel(inly his soul now),gain something, and the System does has some logic....Mc is still in his Original world(look like real world)....The Chap are kinda long compare to other Fast-Food Novel so i feel that it will have hope....The Novel is complete so That will be A Pros....Nc himself arent bad....i just read 5 chaps so that all to say...
and 4th
what do you think fellow cat is it any good?
To be fair, it doesnt realky sparks me any interested, still the same genre...I dont say this is bad, it just that i see something else Better.
Yeah boring right, nothing give you the urge to read more.