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Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master

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Оу Ренджину нравятся красивые молодые мужчины, потому что ему нравится смотреть дораму.

Наблюдение за их высокомерием и тщеславием; наблюдая за их подобострастием и подхалимством; наблюдая за тем, как они имеют скрытые мотивы и дерутся друг с другом, видя всю злую сторону человеческой натуры.

Пока он не подбирает беднягу.

Бедный маленький парень невежественен и беспомощен, относится к Оу Ренджину как к целому миру, тратит всю свою зарплату на подарки, без колебаний стоит перед ним в минуты опасности, даже…

…сказав ему самым спокойным и легким тоном, узнав, что их совпадение сердец прошло успешно: «Я очень благодарен, что ты скрывал это от меня, но я давно готов отдать тебе свое сердце. ”

* * *

036 родился подопытным, без родителей и друзей.

Как единственному успешному «чашке Петри возобновляемых органов», ему бесчисленное количество раз вырезали каждый орган в его теле и пересаживали богатым и влиятельным.

Привыкнув к боли, он встретил самого особенного человека в мире.

Этот человек был настолько хорош, что хотел немедленно вырезать себе сердце.

- Описание от Novelupdates


Краткое название:DLCPM
Оригинальное название:金丝雀宠主日常
Положение дел:Completed
Weekly Rank:#7709
Monthly Rank:#7260
All Time Rank:#8232
Теги:Celebrities, Character Growth, Charismatic Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Human Experimentation, Loyal Subordinates, Misunderstandings, Modern Day, Mysterious Past, Naive Protagonist, Near-Death Experience, Past Trauma, Protagonist Falls in Love First, Secrets, Showbiz, Special Abilities, Strong Love Interests, Tragic Past, Transmigration, Wealthy Characters,
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13 комментариев к “Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master
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  1. Any knows a novel in which uke is a English teacher and when he went to bar he met a starlet who was forced to be a canary by his agent who he went in his place to explain to ml who wanted to try to be a sugar daddy to not do such illegal thing but by mistake ml thought he was that starlet and slept with him and as both of them enjoyed it they continued their one night stand and mc is the teacher of ml's sister

  2. SPOILER ALERT! Ada beberapa bagian yang akan membuatmu terharu dan menangis pilu tapi tenang yidak ada adegan tragis dan dramatis. Si MC punya kekuatan kayak wolverin, jika bagian tubuhnya di potong itu bisa tumbuh lagi. Nah si ML itu punya penyakit jantung. Ya taulah arahnya kemana. Seperti wolverin, si MC itu tikus percobaan, sepanjang hidupnya di laboratorium. Setiap hari dia dibedah diambil organ dalamnya. Si MC ini dari dunia pararel lalu tiba² aja dia pindah ke universe si ML yang mana peradaban manusia gk secanggih universe MC. Jangan tanya kenapa bisa pindah, nggak di ada penjelasan masuk akal. Wkwk Nah di temgah menuju akhir beberapa orang tahu rahasia si MC karena ya si MC sendiri yang bicorin. Wkwk Tapi syukurlah skenario rahasia di ketahui publik trus di jadikan tikus percobaan lagi tidak terjadi. Banyak adegan mengahrukan itu nggak melulu sedih ya. Pokoknya ada aja yg bikin terharu.

  3. aaa maaci banget sdh menjelaskan, awalnya ragu mau baca karna takut BE karna dia berkorban gitu,huhu

  4. Dang there was a new novel on here where the mc was studying abroad for like 6-8years and when he finally gets dragged back he refuses to take over he just sets up a cafe because he was interested in coffee and then he’s suprissed because this foreigner followed him back from Italy and then I get to the end of the description and I’m like wait?!?! Is this detective Conan ?!? I look at the tags and it was a detective Conan fanfiction I was very confused and I might have dreamed it up because the upcoming novels section went blank and there haven’t been any new novels updated…. I was going back through old novels to find one I had read before so maybe that’s where I saw it ?

  5. No sé si mi comentario anterior fue publicado o no, ya que no lo veo, pero estoy seguro de que hablas de I Really Don’t Want To Inherit the Winery

  6. In some cases, you just need to refresh the page or close out of it and get back into it again. I am guessing some people are experiencing this as well.

  7. I haven't read it but it seems to be "I Really Don’t Want To Inherit the Winery", the novel summary is what you explained. It has a shonen-ai subplot tag, and no tag of yaoi or shonen ai in genre, so you can't find it there.

  8. I haven't read it but it seems to be "I Really Don’t Want To Inherit the Winery", the novel summary is what you explained. It has a shonen-ai SUBPLOT tag, and no genre tag of yaoi or shonen ai. It may have made it harder to find.

  9. Sorry, I wasn't able to see comments well. Have a happy day! Pardon for the interruption.

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