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Cultivating Immortals: I Can Save the Price

Cover Cultivating Immortals: I Can Save the PriceCover Cultivating Immortals: I Can Save the Price
4.5 (23 отзывов)
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Демоны свирепствуют, и монахи считают чужеродность небесным путем.

Если смертный хочет заниматься самосовершенствованием, он должен вырвать себе глаза, отрезать конечности и отрезать корень мудрости…

Жэнь Цин, прошедший этот путь, обнаружил, что благодаря своим сверхъестественным способностям он может быть освобожден от затрат на выращивание.

[Метод отсутствия глаз]: благодаря проглатыванию глаз по всему телу вырастают сто шесть бессмертных глаз.

【Техника отравленных костей】: замочите собственные кости в ядовитой воде на тридцать шесть дней, затем повторно имплантируйте их в свое тело и тренируйте до такой степени, что трава перестанет расти.

[Сутра мертвых]: Запечатайте точки Лаогун, Юнцюань, Шэньмэнь и Иньтан заклепками и закопайте их в землю на три года.

ps: «Пятнадцать лет Ляонина Чжайского боевого железа» написаны миллионы законченных романов, добро пожаловать в продолжение.

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:CIICSP
Оригинальное название:诡道修仙:我能豁免代价
Положение дел:Completed
Автор:brother of brother
Weekly Rank:#6475
Monthly Rank:#6571
All Time Rank:#5251
Теги:Calm Protagonist, Cheat, Cultivation, Male Protagonist, smart protagonist, Transmigration, Unique Cultivation Technique, Weak to Strong,
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25 комментариев к “Cultivating Immortals: I Can Save the Price
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  1. That's it, then. I couldn't call it an unsatisfactory ending because I read this novel for the interesting worldbuilding and different perspectives instead of the plot or characters, but I wish there had been more exploration of the lives of people in the world of the stomach, perhaps an arc about practicing martial arts, ascending to the upper realm, etc, just to demonstrate a different perspective.

  2. Spoiler Alert: Interesting, my theory that the cheat was a remnant of the heavenly dao was correct, though I didn't think it would try to possess him, since my other theory was that the three pure ones were only corrupted by cthulu-style pollution instead of eaten by the three pillar gods.

  3. This novel is great. A gem among shit. Great story and characters, the world is amazing and well constructed. Even the cheat of the main character is well thought out, cultivation is interesting and satisfying. In my opinion, the only downside to this novel is that it's easy to get confused about what's going on, what the characters are doing, why we're here, etc. Of course... You can guess the context in general, but it's not as clear as I'd like. And I don't know if it's because I'm too stupid for this novel XD, maybe I'm not reading with enough concentration (although I doubt it) or because of poor translation into English. Maybe it's just the way the novel is written, for me that's a flaw, but it doesn't have to be that way for everyone. I'd like to know other people's opinions on this. Someone may have the same problem as me? How would you rate this novel overall? I encourage you to comment. Have a nice day everyone :)

  4. After "I Am God" started updating with incomplete chapters, this became my favorite novel on the site. It's unfortunate that I can only read it with mtl.

  5. This is definitely one of the best novels out there. I found the same issues, however, I liked the story nonetheless.

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