Это история Гонга, который переродился в то время, когда он еще не потерял свое шоу, когда он начал безумно дразнить свое шоу... Эта история будет написана с точки зрения шоу.
Бог гонок F1, Уинстон, потерял своего единственного важного соперника, Хантера. Сколько бы искусных противников ни появлялось перед ним один за другим, он все равно оставался единоличным правителем.
Однажды, когда Уинстон проснулся, он вернулся в то время, когда Хантеру было всего 18 лет.
Уинстон, «Хотите ли вы вместе со мной править королевством скорости и быть моим единственным королем?»
- Описание от Novelupdates
Краткое название | : | |
Оригинальное название | : | 你能不能不撩我 |
Положение дел | : | Completed |
Автор | : | Jiao Tang Dong Gua |
Genre | : | |
Weekly Rank | : | #9198 |
Monthly Rank | : | #6144 |
All Time Rank | : | #7083 |
Теги | : | Adventurers, Celebrities, Clever Protagonist, Doting Love Interests, Famous Protagonist, Poor to Rich, Second Chance, Transmigration, Посмотреть историю изменений |
Chapter Terbaru
Chapter 88 Give you a lifetime 【End of Fanwai】 2020-01-27 00:10:27 Chapter 87 Extra Christmas Holidays 2020-01-27 00:10:26 Chapter 86 Fanwai just met you 4 (end) 2020-01-27 00:10:24 Chapter 85 Fanwai just met you 3 2020-01-27 00:10:23 Chapter 84 Fanwai just met you 2 2020-01-27 00:10:22
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Chapter 1 - 90
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I was a bit dissappointed when I read and it shows that it wasn't the seme's perspective but then as I continued reading, I gradually realized that the author made the right decision for it to be the uke's perspective. We have already witnessed how the seme greatly love the uke so it will make you curious how would the uke feel towards the seme even if it's a new life? What will eventually happen with the seme's approach. If the uke already opened up to him in their past life the he probably already has deep feelings towards the seme. As the story goes on and deep, it greatly satisfy my curiousty and it answered my questions. The flow of the story was really good.
How good this is if it's Winston's POV..
Gyahhh.. i read the summary and i love it.. gonna read this as i just finished reading a yaoi story a while ago.. lezgoo
too awesome stories ... one of my best i read so far.
hello, i am part of a group of translators from brazil, and i would like to ask for your permission to use your translation to give a portuguese version for our readers.
Okay, but you have to give us a credit link to this site. Thanks
Ei moça/o/e, posso perguntar onde você traduzira a novel? Eu queria acompanhar! (◕.◕)
Oi, eu não sou mais a responsável pela tradução dessa novel, mas era suposto que ela tivesse sido postada no site da Boys Love Brasil.
Não consegui encontrar a tradução no novo site. Virou uma editora agora, né... Acho que não vai ser mais acessível gratuitamente. Mas mesmo assim obrigada por me responder.