Это история мальчика, который жил уединенной жизнью в горах, ухаживал за фермой, выращивал рыбу и мечтал о своих мечтах. А? Я вдруг покорил все миры и стал большим боссом? Или я все еще во сне?
- Описание от Novelupdates
Краткое название | : | |
Оригинальное название | : | 逍遥梦路 |
Положение дел | : | Completed |
Автор | : | The Plagiarist |
Chapter Terbaru
Chapter 1182 season finale 2019-09-25 05:44:18 Chapter 1181 bloody battle 2019-09-25 05:44:17 Chapter 1180 Crossing the river 2019-09-25 05:44:15 Chapter 1179 altar 2019-09-25 05:44:14 Chapter 1178 Strong 2019-09-25 05:44:13
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Some daoist colleague was able to recommend a similar novel to me (As I'm asking for a recommendation, I'll leave one) 我的模拟长生路 It can be read in 69 (Browser translator)
I feel bad for dracula, he don't know the truth meaning of his eksistens until he about to die, his entire life is just a tool for the God he believe and loyal. The MC always say that the higher up is cruel to his subordinat but when he is also in that position he become more cruel than other.
I bet dracula will feel better if he told from start when he was Transformed to be vampire or not to be told at all.
Excuse me, What chapter is this plot in?
50/100 muy buena novela al principio, pero conforme se desarrolla la novela y las historias de fondo se vuelve demasiado nacionalista , todo mundo debe tener occidentales y orientales, y por la misma todos los orientales no son mejor que la basura y los occidentales oprimidores y mejores en todos lados pero llega el MC y mejor a todo el lado oriental aplasta el occidental termina el mundo o historia y continua trasmigrando a otro y repite el proceso, muy decepcionado con la nacionalista en todos lados y mal final, esperaba mas de este autor.
Where's Warlock of the Magus World
Licensed From: Qidian
this novel is absolute art