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As the Villain, All the Female Protagonists Want To Push Me Back?

Cover As the Villain, All the Female Protagonists Want To Push Me Back?Cover As the Villain, All the Female Protagonists Want To Push Me Back?
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Су Минъюань путешествует по миру злодея Чэнду. Пока он хорошо играет злодея и завершает сюжет, он может получить значение злодея и вернуться на землю, если сэкономит 100 000.

Неожиданно Су Минъюань, сэкономивший достаточно на дорожных расходах, к сожалению, столкнулся с турбулентностью времени и пространства, когда вернулся на землю, и время вернулось к тому первому дню, когда он был злодеем.

Все приходится начинать сначала. «Разве это не просто снова играть злодея? Мои актерские способности давно изменились. Посмотри на меня на этот раз за год, нет, я накоплю достаточно злодейской ценности за полгода!» Су Минъюань настроена оптимистично и уверенно.

- Описание от MTLNovel


Краткое название:AVAFPWTPMB
Оригинальное название:身为反派,女主个个想逆推我?
Положение дел:Hiatus
Автор:a heart
Weekly Rank:#3810
Monthly Rank:#6099
All Time Rank:#7132
Теги:Enemies Become Lovers, Handsome Male Lead, Harem, Male Protagonist, Naive Protagonist, Schemes And Conspiracies, Shy Characters, System, Villain, Yandere,
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35 комментариев к “As the Villain, All the Female Protagonists Want To Push Me Back?
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  1. Do this mc still virgin? To the end till 60 up cause that age you libido become zero and lack of sx or in age 50 too. Yeah have people who age 60-up have crazy sex drive but they 1:1000 people that rare in other race i mean not B race

  2. What diffrent virgin and not Virgin: not first time but like if they see partner cheated that virgin like broke and become like same sex or become pathetic loser and run and not belive and wanted single life forwver Not virgin: dont mind, have many woman find or pay in street or tinder so easy

  3. Virgin: not first time but like if they see partner cheated that virgin like broke and become like same sex or become pathetic loser and run and not belive and wanted single life forwver

  4. Not virgin: dont mind, have many woman find or pay in street or tinder so easy, or have broken but not much and find other partner right away, if beta see partner cheated they like cry become depressed a loner and pathetic cry cause think why his life like this and so pathetic life bwcome green hat in head

  5. Dont forgot add library delete save i dont want to keep this virgin character novel and shy like ccuck but cuck people not shy but horny pathetic cause enable or aggree people touch you partner in bed

  6. Sadly no have virgin protagonis, beta male, and female dominance genre i hope have that genre

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