Деньги, компания, способности, вход во все.
Развлечения, соревнования, финансы — все это весело.
Сюй Ан, у которого есть всесторонняя система входа, хотел взлететь в небо и встать плечом к плечу с солнцем. Маленькая рука потянула его вниз. Хозяин ручонки сказал ему молочным голосом: «Голубиное объятие!»
Сюй Ан: «…»
Бей свою сестру как можно раньше, иначе ты не захочешь ее бить, пока она растет и становится милее.
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Краткое название | : | AIOS |
Оригинальное название | : | 全能签到 |
Положение дел | : | Ongoing |
Автор | : | Watch out for the gun to go off |
Chapter Terbaru
Chapter 1089 Tricks that Tufuzi can't learn 2022-04-08 01:37:46 Chapter 1088 0 The son of gold can't sit still 2022-04-08 01:37:45 Chapter 1087 2022-04-08 01:37:43 Chapter 1086 pragmatist 2022-04-08 01:37:42 Chapter 1085 conversation 2022-04-08 01:37:40
Все главы
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 750
Chapter 751 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1058
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Ini saya rasa kok runtutan waktunya kurang pas ya, misal diakhir bab ceritanya lagi ujian eh awal bab berikutnya langsung di bank.
Sa imi sugi pula idiotule
Can anyone suggest me any good urban novel. Every novel I find in this site maximum is shit
Soxc error'
He dunked from the 3 point line dafuk
Ciri khas novel china kalo tiba2 kaya pasti harem,apakah itu pola pikir orang china
Bukan hanya cina bro yang mikir gitu
Most man in the world want to have harem :v
Banyak novel komik manhua pasti harem
Soalnya jadi kaya terus punya harem sangat laku disana. Soalnya banyak suami takut istri. Wkwkwk
kalo gw paling kesel sama nasionalisnya, gajelas parah sama maksa bat
Ya maklumin aja bro, authorny kan bikin novel buat orang China:v
Sa imi sugi pula idiotule
Honestly despite the nationalism and typical urban trope etc. It's still an okay novel, especially his little sister is so cute it remind me of my past interaction with my own sister. The flaw however, is his mother. A mary sue, spineless, thrifty, always worried for no reason etc. Always tolerate her relative bullying her own daughter because they are her relative to the point that the MC is also angry about this.
what's more annoying about his mother is, despite knowing she lacks education, she always want to have higher position than MC (as a mother, not in a bad way but it's too much for me) in term of his decision. always criticize everytime he is spending on something expensive despite i understand the reason of her doing this.
Get ready to be disgusted with her even more. Throughout the entire novel she is annoying in more ways than one.
Ah f**k. I definitely can't do that. The first her mother let her relatives' son bully Xiaoying, my interest for this novel went out like a smoke. You telling that this will happen more in the future is a downer. Dropped!
Bruh, that's just a typical Asian mom to me
Yeah u can see the the shadow of asian mom on her so for us asian its normal